A Resolution Designating July as National Park and Recreation Month
Karen Palus - Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Director
In an effort to highlight the breadth and depth of the Colorado Springs parks system, the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department is asking City Council to recognize July as National Park and Recreation Month. To illustrate to the community that parks and recreation are more than just playgrounds and rec centers, the Department is highlighting one of our most iconic recreational amenities, namely Pikes Peak - America’s Mountain. As probably the most unique entity within our inventory, as well as currently being in a capital campaign to push to the finish line of a $60M construction project, Pikes Peak - America’s Mountain is fitting since it exemplifies all the Department has to offer in terms of recreation, conservation, and beautiful open spaces.
Previous Council Action:
Since 1985, Americans have celebrated Park and Recreation Month in July to promote the importance of parks and recreation in health and wellness, conservation and social equity, and to recognize the thousands of park and recreation employees that maintain our nation’s local and community parks.
This item supports the City’s strategic goal relating to building community and collaborative relationships by increasing the community’s awareness of the offerings and services provided by the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department.
Financial Implications:
Board/Commission Recommendation:
Stakeholder Process:
City Council may opt to not designate July as Park and Recreation Month.
Recommended Action
Proposed Motion:
Move approval of the resolution to designate July as Park and Recreation Month.
Summary of Ordinance Language