A Resolution Amending Resolution 133-18 Authorizing The Disposal Of Surplus City Property To William R. Branyan (Purchaser), As The One Logical, Potential Purchaser
Greg Phillips
Director of Aviation
Colorado Springs Airport
The Airport desires to amend the Resolution by deleting the current Exhibit B and replacing it with the new Exhibit B, which depicts Tract A on the Replat as the new Director Parcel that the City authorized to sale to Purchaser
Previous Council Action:
City Council approved Resolution 133-18 on November 13, 2018
City Council, on August 28, 2018, by Resolution 98-18, approved the Service Plan for the Peak Metropolitan Districts Nos. 1, 2, and 3.
City Council, on November 13, 2018, by Resolution 130-18, granted the Airport the authority to dispose of approximately 1/10th of one acre (4,356 square feet) of Airport controlled land to Purchaser (Director Parcel) for the purpose of creating an eligible elector to service on the Board of Directors for Peak Metropolitan District No. 2.
On January 31, 2019, the Airport replatted Lot 2 of Airport Filing No. 1C located within Peak Innovation Park, by Replat of Lot 2, Colorado Springs Airport Filing No. 1, Located In A Portion of Sections 4, 5 and 6 of Township 15 South, Range 65 West, All Of The 6th Principal Meridian, Located In The City Of Colorado Springs, County of El Paso, State of Colorado ("the Replat"), recorded under Reception No. 219714274.
Financial Implications:
As this property was acquired with FAA funds, the proceeds from the sale of this transaction will go to the Airport Enterprise and will be used for eligible projects/purposes per FAA guidelines.
Board/Commission Recommendation:
Stakeholder Process:
Recommended Action
Proposed Motion:
To adopt the Resolution amending Resolution 133-18 authorizing the disposal of surplus City property to William R. Branyan (Purchaser), as ...
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