An appeal of the Planning Commission decision to approve a nonuse variance to allow two 19,230 square foot lots where 20,000 square feet is required in the R zone district located at 28 Polo Drive.
Related Files: AR NV 17-00024, AR PFP 17-00122
Lonna Thelen, Principal Planner, Planning & Community Development
Peter Wysocki, Planning and Community Development Director
Applicant: 28 Polo LLC
Owner: 28 Polo LLC
Location: 28 Polo Drive
This project includes an application for a preliminary and final plat for 28 Polo Drive to subdivide a 38,460 square-foot lot into two single-family lots and two nonuse variances for lot size and lot width.
Previous Council Action:
There are no previous council actions.
This application is for a preliminary and final plat and two nonuse variances. The applications were approved administratively on June 5, 2017 and subsequently appealed and heard by city planning commission. City planning commission heard the appeal on July 20, 2017 and approved the project with a 6-3 vote for all three applications. Mr. Gerald McLaughlin, who is a nearby neighbor, appealed the project to city council (exhibit a)
The subject property currently contains a single-family home, which was constructed in 1951. The current owner is proposing to demolish the existing home, plat the property into two lots and build two new single-family homes. The applicant has submitted and received approval for a preliminary and final plat to subdivide the lot into two lots and two nonuse variances. The nonuse variance approvals are detailed below.
Variance 1 - a nonuse variance to allow 19,230 square foot lots where 20,000 square feet is required. The proposed lot size is 770 square feet less than the required lot size, which equates to 3.85% of the require lot area.
Normally, if the percent of the requested deviation is less than 15%, the applicant could apply for an "administrate reli...
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