A Development Plan for the 603 South El Paso project to allow for a catering/restaurant use within an existing structure located at 603 South El Paso Street
Related Files: CPC ZC 20-00139
Gabe Sevigny, Principal Planner, Planning & Community Development
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning & Community Development
Owner: Jennifer Southerland
Developer: Jennifer Southerland
Representative: Bobby Hill Designs, LLC
Location: 603 South El Paso
This project includes concurrent applications for a zone change and a development plan. The zone change request changes the zoning from C5/cr (Intermediate Business with conditions of record) to C5/cr (Intermediate Business with conditions of record) to include an additional use of catering/restaurant. The development plan illustrates how the 0.39-acre site is currently developed, but also illustrates the location of the catering/restaurant use within the existing structure.
The site was originally zoned C5/cr (General Commercial with conditions of record) in May 1977. The uses approved in that application have continued to date within the structure under the applicant's father, who was the applicant on the initial rezoning request. The change of zone of 17,110 square feet of land, located at the southeast corner of East Moreno Avenue and South El Paso Street Intersection, will rezone the project site from C5/cr to C5/cr with allowed uses only consisting of expansion of barbershop, expansion of beauty salon, commission sales shop, professional office, and catering and restaurant. The change occurring is the additional use for a catering/restaurant.
The C5/cr zone district restricts the property to the uses listed above. The addition of the use for catering/restaurant will allow for the applicant to operate a catering and caf? business to include limited breakfast and lunch hours, for carry-out only, Wednesday through Saturday mornings and afternoons. T...
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