Ordinance No. 24-105 annexing the area known as Neagle-Dutcher Family Addition Annexation located at 4105 Date Street consisting of 1.01 acres.
Tamara Baxter, Planning Supervisor, Planning Department
Kevin Walker, Planning Director, Planning Department
Owner/Developer: Laurie L Neagle
Representative: Land Development Consultants, Inc - David Hostetler
Location: 4105 Date Street
This project includes concurrent applications for annexation of 1.01 acres, and establishment of zoning 0.23 acres located 4105 Date Street. The proposed zoning will establish an R-5 (Multi-Family High) zone district with the overall annexation to allow for single-family detached residential uses to be established on the property.
The proposed annexation and associated applications were reviewed under UDC (Unified Development Code).
Please see the attached City Planning Commission Staff Report for a complete analysis of the proposed applications.
Review Criteria:
The below criteria from UDC outline the applicable codes associated with this overall project and each associated application.
The Conditions for Annexation as set forth in UDC Section 7.5.701 are noted below:
1. The area proposed to be annexed is a logical extension of the City's boundary;
2. The development of the area proposed to be annexed will be beneficial to the City;
3. Financial considerations, although important, are not the only criteria and shall not be the sole measure of benefit to the City;
4. There is a projected available water surplus at the time of request;
5. The existing and projected water facilities and/or wastewater facilities of the City are expected to be sufficient for the present and projected needs for the foreseeable future to serve all present users whether within or outside the corporate limits of the City;
6. The annexation can be effected at the time the utilities are extended or at some time in the future;
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