Ordinance No. 21-41 amending the zoning map of the City of Colorado Springs pertaining to 137.7 acres located southeast of State Highway 94 at Marksheffel Road, from PIP2/PBC/CR/AO (Planned Industrial Park 2/Planned Business Center/Conditions of Record/Airport Overlay) to PUD/AO (Planned Unit Development/Airport Overlay) for residential development including 112.5 acres of single-family residential at a density of 3.5-11.99 units per acre and a maximum height of 45 feet; 21.2 acres of multi-family residential at a density of 12-24.99 units per acre and a maximum height of 45 feet; and 4 acres of future right of way.
Related Files: CPC MP 87-00381-A27MJ20, CPC CP 20-00137, CPC PUP 20-00136, CPC ZC 20-00135
Tasha Brackin, Senior Planner, Planning & Community Development
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning and Community Development
Owner: Pikes Peak Investments, LLC
Developer: The Equity Group
Representative: Matrix Design Group
Location: Southeast of State Highway 94 at Marksheffel Road
The project includes concurrent applications for a Major Amendment to the Banning Lewis Ranch Master Plan, two Zone Changes, and two Concept Plans. If approved the proposed applications would allow for changes to land use designations from R & D (Research and Development), INP (Industrial Park), and R (Retail) land uses to COM (Commercial/Office/Light Industrial with a FAR of 25%); RES-M (single-family residential); and RES-H (multi-family residential). A detailed discussion of the proposed zone changes and concept plans appears below. The site is located southeast of State Highway 94 at Marksheffel Road.
The proposed Reagan Ranch development is situated on property that is currently undeveloped with the exception of several agricultural buildings and a few home sites associated with the former farm and ranch that previously occupied the property. The site is surrounded by vacant land to the east an...
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