A Resolution Authorizing the City of Colorado Springs to Enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement Between El Paso County, Colorado, Sterling Ranch Metropolitan District No. 1 and the City of Colorado Springs, Colorado Regarding Marksheffel Road Through Sterling Ranch
Gayle Sturdivant, P.E., City Engineer/Deputy Public Works Director
Jeff Bailey, P.E., Engineering Review Program Manager
This three-party Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between the City of Colorado Springs (City), El Paso County (County) and the Sterling Ranch Metropolitan District No. 1 (District) specifies the roles and responsibilities to construct, own, operate and maintain Marksheffel Road and ancillary stormwater improvements through the Sterling Ranch development. The District is responsible for the construction, operations and maintenance of the Marksheffel Road public improvements through completion of the 2-year probationary period. Upon final acceptance, the City will assume ownership, operations and maintenance of Marksheffel Road. The Marksheffel Road right-of-way is anticipated to be annexed into the City. The stormwater improvements will be constructed, owned and maintained by the District.
The District encompasses a 1,443-acre development known as Sterling Ranch and lies primarily within the current jurisdictional boundaries of the County. The south boundary of Sterling Ranch and the connection to Marksheffel Road are at the city limits.
Marksheffel Road is planned to continue northwest and tie into the existing eastern termini of Research Parkway within the city limits. It is anticipated that property adjacent to the future Marksheffel Road extension will be annexed into the city upon development. The City desires for Marksheffel Road be built to City standards for future acceptance as a City asset and for continuity of the street section to the north and south of the development.
This IGA between the City, County an...
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