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File #: 25-138    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/26/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 3/25/2025 Final action:
Title: An Ordinance repealing Ordinance Nos. 07-113, 09-94, 14-18, and 16-120 thereby dissolving the Public Art Commission of the Pikes Peak Region Presenter: Nancy Henjum, Councilmember District 5 Ayana Garcia, Boards and Commissions Program Administrator
Attachments: 1. ORD-DissolvingPAC



An Ordinance repealing Ordinance Nos. 07-113, 09-94, 14-18, and 16-120 thereby dissolving the Public Art Commission of the Pikes Peak Region



Nancy Henjum, Councilmember District 5
Ayana Garcia, Boards and Commissions Program Administrator




After a thorough review and stakeholder engagement process, City Council has determined that the oversight and management of the City’s public art collection is an executive and administrative function of the City rather than a legislative function of City Council.



  Previous Council Action:

City Council created the Art Commission of the Pikes Peak Region with the passage of Ordinance 07-113 on July 24, 2007, and further amended the legislation Ordinance Nos. 09-94 on August 11, 2009, 14-18 on March 11, 2014, and 16-120 on December 15, 2016.


 Financial Implications:



  City Council Appointed Board/Commission/Committee Recommendation:



  Stakeholder Process:

Councilmember Liaison Nancy Henjum met with Administration representatives Matt Mayberry and Britt Haley on September 3, 2024. Public Art Commission of the Pikes Peak Region members were engaged on February 18, 2025.





Recommended Action

  Proposed Motion:

Approve an Ordinance repealing Ordinance Nos. 07-113, 09-94, 14-18, and 16-120 thereby dissolving the Public Art Commission of the Pikes Peak Region


Summary of Ordinance Language

An Ordinance repealing Ordinance Nos. 07-113, 09-94, 14-18, and 16-120 thereby dissolving the Public Art Commission of the Pikes Peak Region


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