A request by Cerberus Brewing Company for a vacation of alley right-of-way, located at 702 W. Colorado Avenue.
Peter Wysocki, Planning and Development Director, Planning and Development Department
Applicant: Echo Architecture on behalf of Cerberus Brewing Company
Owner: Jerry Morris
Location: 702 W. Colorado Avenue
Vacation of public right-of-way, an alley that bisects the subject property between McKinley Place and S 7th Street.
Previous Council Action:
Vacation of Right-of-Way:
The fourth application associated with the project regards vacating the public right-of-way/alley that bisects the subject property between McKinley Place and S 7th Street.
The vacation request pertains to the alley that separates Lots 2 and 3 at the south and triangular Lot 4 at the north. The right-of-way is not needed for public transportation purposes or utilities access. Denial of the vacation petition and the retention of the alley right-of-way will not impact the overall site design or vehicular circulation.
Financial Implications:
Not applicable
Board/Commission Recommendation:
At their meeting on August 20, 2015 the Planning Commission in a vote of 5-1 (Commissioner Smith dissenting) denied the request to vacate the alley.
Stakeholder Process:
The standard City notification and posting process was implemented; 103 property owners within 500 feet of the property were notified, as well as one stakeholder organization - the Organization of Westside Neighbors. To date, Staff has received six (6) responses in opposition to the development plan and associated applications, with respondents expressing concerns about parking and the potential for noise and visual disruptions. In addition, 15 signatories signed a petition in opposition that was submitted to the Department on June 29, 2015.
On May 26, 2015 Planning staff facilitated a neighborhood meeti...
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