Airport Spectrum Concept Plan illustrating future development of 29 acres for community commercial, new public roadway and 20 acres open space located southwest of the intersection of Power Boulevard and Milton E Proby Parkway.
Related Files: CPC A 17-00074, CPC A 17-00074R, CPC PUZ 17-00146, CPC PUP 17-00147
Catherine Carleo, Principal Planner, Planning and Development
Peter Wysocki, Planning and Community Development Director
Applicant: Classic Consulting Engineers and Surveyors
Owners: Bert A Getz as Trustee of the Bert Atwater Gets Trust DTD
Location: Southwest corner of Powers Boulevard and Milton E Proby Parkway
This project includes concurrent applications for annexation of 78.95 acres into the City of Colorado Springs including an adjacent portion of Powers Boulevard; establishment of zoning for the associated 60.21 acre property and concept plan for an area of development located southwest of the intersection of Powers Boulevard and Milton E Proby Parkway. The proposed zoning will establish a PUD/SS/AO, Planned Unit Development (Community Commercial to allow permitted uses in the Planned Business Center and Office Commercial zone districts, maximum building height of 45-feet) with Streamside and Airport Overlay zone district. The associated concept plan illustrates the proposed land use configuration, access, intended roadway infrastructure, proposed open space and overall intent.
Previous Council Action:
On August 22, 2017, City Council accepted the original petition for annexation which authorized further processing of the annexation through the City Land Use Review process. A resolution setting the City Council hearing date of September 11, 2018 was heard and passed at the July 24, 2018 City Council agenda.
This annexation consists of 78.95 acres as a request to annex the property into the municipal limits of the City of Colorado Springs for community commercial develo...
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