Ordinance No. 20-36 amending the zoning map of the City of Colorado Springs relating to 61.71 acres located southeast of Powers Blvd and Highway 83 from A (Agriculture) to PUD (Planned Unit Development: 35-foot maximum height, single-family detached units, maximum density of 4.0 du/ac)
Related File: CPC PUP 19-00091
Hannah Van Nimwegen, Senior Planner, Planning and Community Development
Peter Wysocki, Planning and Community Development Director
Owner: Jovenchi, LLC
Developer: Vintage Communities
Representative: N.E.S., Inc.
Location: South and east of the Powers Boulevard and Highway 83 intersection
The Kettle Creek North project includes concurrent applications for a zone change and concept plan for 61.71 acres located south and east of the Powers Boulevard and Highway 83 intersection and sharing a boundary with Kettle Creek to the north and the existing North Fork neighborhood to the south. The zone change requests to rezone the 61.71 acres from A (Agriculture) to PUD (Planned Unit Development: 35-foot maximum height, single-family detached units, maximum density of 4.0 dwelling units per acre). The concept plan illustrates general dimensional standards for lots, topography, geotechnical setbacks, and includes a Land Suitability Analysis. The subject site is within the Briargate Master Plan and is designated for residential land uses with a density range between 3.5 and 7.99 dwelling units per acre (du/ac).
The subject concept plan illustrates 61.71 acres for residential development with a projected density between three and four du/ac. This concept plan also outlines development constraints such as the Preble's Meadow Jumping Mouse (PMJM) critical habitat line and geotechnical setbacks. Several points of access are proposed; aligning with the street configuration of the North Fork subdivision, onto Thunder Mountain Avenue, which leads to Old Ranch Road. The average lot size is ...
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