Ordinance No. 18-17 amending the zoning map of the City of Colorado Springs pertaining to 1.74 acres located south of the south corner of the Highway 24 and Meridian Road intersection from R/CR (Estate Residential with Conditions of Record) to PF (Public Facility).
Related Files: CPC MP 87-00381-A19MN17, CPC DP 17-00095
Hannah Van Nimwegen, Senior Planner, Planning & Community Development
Peter Wysocki, Planning & Community Development Director
Applicant: HDR, Inc. on behalf of El Paso County
Owner: El Paso County
Location: South of the Highway 24 and Meridian Road intersection
This proposal contains three concurrent requests; amend the Banning Lewis Ranch Master Plan to alter the current land use designation to PUB (Public/Institutional), rezone 1.74 acres from R/CR (Estate Residential with Conditions of Record) to PF (Public Facility), and illustrate the proposed 208 stall park and ride facility with a development plan.
Previous Council Action:
There are no City Council actions applicable to the subject site following the annexation, master planning, and zoning of the Banning Lewis Ranch area in 1989.
On February 27, 2018, this Ordinance was approved on first reading with a vote of 9:0:0.
The Falcon Park and Ride facility is a piece of a larger public improvement project intended to provide carpooling and future bus services to a suburban residential area. Other pieces to this larger project include the extension the new Meridian Road alignment south and the improvement of the Meridian Road and State Highway 24 intersection. The public right-of-way for the new Meridian Road will be dedicated by deed at a later date and will be coordinated through the City of Colorado Springs' Real Estate Services and Traffic Engineering divisions. These actions are not a part of the master plan amendment, zone change, or development plan applications before the City Council at this time.
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