An appeal of the City Planning Commission's decision to recommend approval to the City Council of the Farm Filing 5 PUD development plan for 28 acres of land to be developed with a single-family residential development consisting of 93 single-family detached lots, located west of the future alignment of Secretariat Drive.
Related Files: CPC MP 04-00254-A6MN17, CPC PUZ 17-00132
Peter Wysocki, Director Planning and Community Development
Daniel Sexton, Senior Planner, Planning and Community Development
Applicant: Classic Consulting Engineers & Surveyors, LLC
Owner: Allison Valley Development Company, LLC
Location: West of Secretariat Drive
An appeal was filed by the United State Air Force Academy (USAFA) regarding the City Planning Commission's decision to recommend approval to City Council of the proposed minor master plan amendment, zone change, and PUD development plan applications associated with the Farm Filing 5 project.
Zone changes (along with any associated applications) that are recommended for approval by the Planning Commission are automatically heard by the City Council, as such, the appeal was not necessary. However, since an appeal was filed, the Council must first hear and act on the appeal, and then act on the applications.
The project includes concurrent applications for a minor master plan amendment of the Farm Master Plan that illustrates updates to street alignments and park site locations and sizes, a change of zone request from A (Agricultural) to PUD (Planned Unit Development: Single-Family Detached Residential; Maximum Density of 3.29 Dwelling Units per acre; and Maximum Building Height of 35 feet), and a PUD development plan for the Farm Filing 5 project, which illustrates the detailed layout for developing the 28 acres of land with 93 single-family detached residential lots, multiple tracts of land, and public and private improvements consisting of landscaping, streets, utili...
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