Waffle House Development Plan consisting of a new 2,020-square foot restaurant building on 33,724-square foot parcel located at 755 West Fillmore Street.
Related File: CPC ZC 17-00061
Michael McConnell, Planner II, Land Use Review
Applicant: Kimley Horn and Associates Inc, Kyle Watson
Owners: WH Capital LLC
Location: 755 West Fillmore Street, southeast corner of North Chestnut Street and West Fillmore Street.
This project includes concurrent applications for a zone change from C5 (Intermediate Business) and R1-6000 (Single-Family Residential) to one new C5 (Intermediate Business) zone district and a development plan for a new 2,020 square foot restaurant building with associated parking and landscaping.
Previous Council Action:
City Council previously took action on this property with Annexation in 1985 as part of the Silver Valley Addition.
The property was annexed into the City as part of the Silver Valley addition in 1985 and is included in the now implemented Mesa Springs Master Plan. As part of the Comprehensive Plan, this parcel is classified as part of a Mature Redevelopment Corridor.
When the Interstate 25 interchange was reconstructed several properties adjacent to the project were acquired by the Colorado Department of Transportation and demolished. As a result, North Chestnut Street was rerouted to the current location and several additional properties were split or otherwise dissected. The subject property, being one of those impacted by this change, now has an irregular shape and is split between two different zone districts; the original C5 (Intermediate Business) and the former residential property as R1-6 (Single-Family Residential). The two properties have been replatted administratively.
The development plan will consist of a new 2,020 square foot restaurant building that will be set further back from the road to satisfy the current setback requirements....
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