An appeal of the Historic Preservation Board's action of denial for a Report of Acceptability for the removal of eight (8) windows and installation of four (4) windows in the existing sunroom on the southern elevation of the residence located at 1611 Wood Avenue.
Gaby Serrano, Planner II, Planning and Community Development
Peter Wysocki, Planning and Community Development Director
Owner: Mario Soto
Representative: PJ Snow
Location: 1611 Wood Avenue
This is a continued Quasi-Judicial item from the Regular City Council Meeting held on July 14, 2020.
The application is an appeal of the Historic Preservation Board decision to deny the Report of Acceptability for removal of eight (8) windows and installation of four new (4) windows in the existing sunroom on the southern fa?ade of the residence. (See "Appeal Statement")
Previous Council Action:
On July 14, 2020 City Council requested that the Applicant provide staff with additional information regarding the dimensions and locations of the windows. Council directed staff to review this provided information and to make a determination if the proposed replacement meets the criteria in City Code Section 7.5.1605 (C). Council further directed staff to bring this information back for further consideration by City Council with staff input on the provided documentation on the replacement of windows.
The Appellant has provided the requested elevations for staff to provide input. The windows are the same dimension and style as the existing windows. The proposed work is not changing the architectural character of the residential building or historic preservation overlay zone. The Applicant has provided sufficient information for staff to recommend approval on the appeal and overturn the City's Historic Preservation Board's decision.
The Appellant is appealing the removal of eight (8) windows and the installation of four (4) windows in the ex...
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