A Resolution Re-Appointing Brett Gracely to the Homestake Steering Committee and the Board of Directors of the Aurora-Colorado Springs Joint Water Authority
Jerry Forte, P.E., CEO, Colorado Springs Utilities
Colorado Springs Utilities seeks approval of a resolution re-appointing Brett Gracely to the Homestake Steering Committee and to the Aurora-Colorado Springs Joint Water Authority Board of Directors.
Previous Council Action:
By Resolution No. 15-14, dated February 25, 2014, City Council appointed Brett Gracely as a member of the Homestake Steering Committee effective January 1, 2013 and as a member of the Board of Directors of the Aurora-Colorado Springs Joint Water Authority for a three year term effective January 15, 2013.
The City of Colorado Springs and the City of Aurora ("Cities") as partners operate the Homestake Water Project. The Homestake Water Project is governed by the Homestake Steering Committee which is made up of three representatives of each City who are appointed by their respective City Councils. The Cities formed the Aurora-Colorado Springs Joint Water Authority as a financing vehicle for the extension of the Homestake pipeline from Twin Lakes to the Otero Pump Station. The Board of Directors of the Aurora-Colorado Springs Joint Water Authority is made of three representatives of each City who are also appointed by their respective City Councils and two non-voting members. By Resolution No. 15-14, Brett Gracely was appointed as a member of the Homestake Steering Committee and as a member of the Board of Directors of the Aurora-Colorado Springs Joint Water Authority for a three year term, which will soon expire. Colorado Springs Utilities requests that City Council approve a resolution re-appointing Brett Gracely as one of Colorado Springs' representatives on the Homestake Steering Committee and the Aurora-Colorado Springs Joint Water Authority Board of Directors...
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