Ordinance No. 19-32 repealing Ordinance No. 17-112 (approving the salary of the City Auditor) and prescribing the salary of the City Auditor
Mike Sullivan, Human Resources Director, Council President, Richard Skorman and Council President Pro-Tem, Tom Strand
City Charter Article III, Section 3-10(e) and City Code ?1.2.203 require that the salary of the City Auditor be prescribed by ordinance.
The proposed Ordinance would repeal Ordinance No. 17-112 along with all prior ordinances addressing the salary of the City Auditor, effective December 30, 2018. Ordinance No. 17-112 approved the salary of the City Auditor, Denny Nester, at $151,920.67 annually, together with benefits, commencing December 31, 2017. The proposed Ordinance prescribes the new annual salary of the City Auditor at $171,797.00, together with applicable benefits, commencing December 30, 2018.
Previous Council Action:
Pursuant to City Ordinance No. 17-112, the annual salary of City Auditor, Denny Nester, was prescribed at $151,920.67, together with applicable benefits, commencing December 31, 2017.
Ordinance Nos. 13-59, 13-76, 14-33, 15-42 and 17-11, superseded by Ordinance No. 17-112, also previously prescribed the annual salary of the City Auditor.
The proposed salary is within the range for City Auditor as established by the City's 2019 salary structure for civilian and sworn municipal employees.
The ordinance establishes the effective date of the salary increase as December 30, 2018, which is the date other City employees received annual salary adjustments.
Financial Implications:
The salary increase is 13.1% or $19,877.00 annually
Board/Commission Recommendation:
Stakeholder Process:
Not approve the proposed ordinance.
Recommended Action
Proposed Motion:
Approve an Ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 17-112 (approving the salary of the City Auditor) and prescribing the annual salary of...
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