An Ordinance amending Chapter 7 (Unified Development Code (UDC)) of the Code of the City of Colorado Springs 2001, as amended, as related to accessory dwelling units.
Related Files: CODE-24-0006
Located in All Council Districts
Daniel Sexton, DRE Planning Manager, Planning Department
Kevin Walker, Director, Planning Department
Owner: City of Colorado Springs
Initiating Agency: Planning Department
Location: City-wide
The City of Colorado Springs' Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Ordinance (See UDC-Accessory Dwelling Units Ord_2024.12.30) is part of the city's effort to ensure smart, equitable, and diversified housing solutions that allow our neighborhoods to grow in a way that is appropriate. Recent state legislation recommends the City allow ADUs in any location where a single-family detached home is permitted, and prohibits the City from enacting or enforcing local laws that would unduly restrict ADUs. The City's ADU Ordinance proposes updates to the Unified Development Code (UDC) based on state-mandated legislation as well as to support the citywide strategic priorities of housing availability and choice for city residents. As part of City Councils consideration of this item an updated version of the draft ADU Ordinance has been attached and is entitled: "UDC-Accessory Dwelling Units Ord_2025.02.19 - Final". A copy of the previous version presented to CPC has also been provided.
The City's zoning and subdivision codes, including the recently adopted Unified Development Code, have contained iterations of regulations that govern the development of ADUs. The most recent iteration of ADU regulations were adopted by City Council in June 2020, which was accompanied by regulations for Accessory Family Suites (AFS). Both secondary residential unit options were envisioned to enhance housing flexibility and opportunity throughout the city, although limited by zone district. The utilization and deve...
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