A Resolution to support September 2018 as National Preparedness Month in the City of Colorado Springs.
Kevin Madsen, Deputy Director, Office of Emergency Management
Adopt a Resolution to support September 2018 as National Preparedness Month which creates an important opportunity for our community to prepare for hazardous events.
Previous Council Action:
On September 9, 2014, City Council agreed to unanimously pass Resolution 84-14 to support September 2014 as National Preparedness Month in the City of Colorado Springs.
On September 8, 2015, City Council agreed to unanimously pass Resolution 85-15 to support September 2015 as National Preparedness Month in the City of Colorado Springs.
On August 23, 2016, City Council agreed to unanimously pass Resolution 86-16 to support September 2016 as National Preparedness Month in the City of Colorado Springs.
On August 22, 2017, City Council agreed to unanimously pass Resolution 92-17 to support September 2017 as National Preparedness Month in the City of Colorado Springs.
This item supports the City’s strategic goal relating to building community and collaborative relationships by encouraging residents of Colorado Springs to prepare their homes, businesses and community for emergencies and disasters.
Financial Implications:
Board/Commission Recommendation:
Stakeholder Process:
City Council may choose to approve, deny or modify the attached Resolution.
Recommended Action
Proposed Motion:
Motion to approve and adopt the proposed Resolution as written.
Summary of Ordinance Language