Ent Credit Union nonuse variance allowing an 11.5 foot retaining wall in the rear yard setback where a 6 foot retaining wall is allowed per City Code.
Related Files: CPC ZC 18-00134, CPC DP 18-00135
Lonna Thelen, Principal Planner, Planning and Development
Peter Wysocki, Planning and Community Development Director
Owners: Ent Credit Union
Consultant: Galloway & Company Inc.
This project includes concurrent applications for a zone change, development plan (FIGURE 1) and nonuse variance for construction of a 5,280 square foot financial institution (bank) on 1.25 acres located at 3005 and 3009 West Colorado Avenue. The proposal will rezone 1.25 acres from R5/C5/HS (Multi-Family Residential and Intermediate Business District with Hillside Overlay) to C5 (Intermediate Business District). The nonuse variance supports construction of an 11.5-foot retaining wall where a maximum of 6-foot is permitted in the rear yard setback. A waiver of replat is being reviewed administratively to combine 9 lots into one buildable site.
Previous Council Action:
There are no previous council actions.
The property is currently dual zoned; the northern half is C5 and the southern half is R5. This request will rezone the entire site to C5 (Intermediate Business) to support commercial redevelopment. Multiple lots south of Colorado Avenue and east of 31st Street exhibit this dual-zoned condition. Previously redeveloped lots in this corridor have applied for rezoning to remove the multi-family zone in order to develop commercially and were approved by City Council. Staff supports the request as it is consistent with the commercial character of West Colorado Avenue.
The site is also within the Hillside Overlay, which will be removed with this rezone request. Staff supports the removal of the hillside overlay because the site does not exhibit the hillside characteristics of steep slopes or significant vegetation...
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