A Nonuse Variance from City Code Section 7.3.204 to increase the building height to 55 feet-9 inches from the required 50 feet for the TownPlace Suites hotel located west of Kelly Johnson and Goddard Street consisting.
Related Files: CPC ZC 21-00026, CPC DP 21-00027
Andrew Bowen, Senior Planner, Planning & Community Development
Peter Wysocki, Planning Director, Planning & Community Development
Owner: Smarte Suite Concepts LLC
Developer: Sun Capital Hotels
Representative: YOW Architects, Brad Nichols
Location: West of Kelly Johnson and Goddard Street
Request by Smarte Suite Concepts LLC, with representation by YOW Architects - Brad Nichols, for approval of three directly related permits (Zone Change, Development Plan and a Nonuse Variance). The subject site is located west of Kelly Johnson and Goddard Street consisting of 1.61 acres.
The zone change as proposed is from PIP-1 (Planned Industrial Park 1) to PBC (Planned Business Center) to allow for the establishment of a new hotel, which will then be allowed by right. Said hotel's requested height exceeds the permitted maximum, thus a Nonuse Variance has been requested in concurrence with the other two applications.
This application packet includes three separate applications which include a Zone Change, Development Plan and Nonuse Variance for a vacant 1.61 acre subject site located on the southwestern bend of Kelly Johnson Boulevard. Upon approval of these applications, said site is to be developed as a four story, 90 room hotel, with subsidiary site improvements.
In review of the proposed parking and ADA accessibility schematics, planning staff finds that the proposal is consistent with all applicable City codes. To be specific, the required parking allocation for this hotel is as follows, 102 parking spaces total, which must include five ADA accessible parking spaces, to be further comprised of two van accessible stalls. Accessib...
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