A resolution approving and authorizing the Mayor to execute an amendment to an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) regarding funding for the Woodmen Road Widening Project
Mike Chaves, P.E. Engineering Manager
CDOT and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) are requesting to move $6.3M of funding for the Woodmen Road Widening Project from the original contract and to add approximately $1.0M in 2016 TIP funding to the contract for funding Woodmen Road Phase 2 construction. This amendment requires City Council approval of the attached resolution approving the amendment authorizing the Mayor to execute the following amendment with CDOT:
1. Amendment No. 1 to Original Contract CMS No. 14 HA2 66003, Project # STU M240-148 (19450)), is attached.
Amendment No. 1 moves $6,290,529 from the original contract (Project #STU M240-046 (12717)) and adds $966,300 of new 2016 money to the contract (Project # STU M240-148 (19450)). Amendment No. 1 also moves money remaining in the ROW and Design Phases to the Construction Phase of the project.
Previous Council Action:
? Ordinance No. 00-24: On February 22, 2000, City Council approved funding in the amount of $1,788,134 ($312,816 Local, $1,475,318 Federal) for the widening of Woodmen Road from I-25 to Lexington.
? Ordinance No. 02-193: On November 12, 2002, City Council approved increased funding in the amount of $5,245,266 ($903,759 Local, $4,341,507 Federal) for the widening of Woodmen Road from I-25 to Powers Boulevard, bringing the total to $7,033,400.
? Ordinance No. 04-97: On June 22, 2004, City Council approved increased funding in the amount of $2,774,000 ($477,405 Local, $2,296,595 Federal) for the widening of Woodmen Road from I-25 to Powers Boulevard, bringing the total to $9,807,400.
? Ordinance No. 05-65: On April 26, 2005, City Council approved increased funding in the amount of $3,028,000 ($521,119 Local, $2,506,...
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