A Planned Unit Development for Centennial North allowing 47-townhome units on a 5.8-acre site, located approximately 420 feet north of the Centennial Blvd and Mesa Valley Road intersection
Related Files: CPC MPA 00-00103-A4MN22, CPC PUZ 21-00143
Gabe Sevigny, Planning Supervisor, Planning and Community Development
Peter Wysocki, Planning Director, Planning and Community Development
Owner: Centennial North Townhomes, LLC
Developer: Pete Morley
Representative: NES, INC
Location: Approximately 420 feet north of the Centennial Blvd and Mesa Valley Road intersection on the east side of Centennial Blvd
This project includes concurrent applications for a minor amendment to the Mesa Springs Community Plan to reduce the density from Medium-High Density Residential (12-16 du/ac) to Medium Density Residential (6-12 du/ac) on the east side of Centennial; a zone change from PUD/HS (Planned Unit Development with Hillside Overlay) to PUD/HS (Planned Unit Development; Multi-Family Residential max. 9 du/ac. Max, 50 ft bldg. ht. with Hillside Overlay) zone district; and a PUD Development Plan to allow for 47 townhomes units.
The 5.8-acre site is located approximately 420 feet north of the Centennial Blvd and Mesa Valley Road intersection. The proposed site is within the Mesa Springs Community Plan that was initially approved in 1986, which identified this area to be Medium High Residential (12-16 du/ac). The current zoning is PUD (Planned unit Development), and during initial research of the proposal, staff determined dimensional and use standards were never established for this site; therefore, a zone change is required. As the applicant proposed a density lower than what the master plan identified, staff also determined a minor amendment to the master plan would be required for the reduction in density. Lastly, as the site is identified with the Hillside Overlay, staff determined that Hillside Overla...
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