A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Colorado Springs, Colorado, approving a major amendment to the Banning Lewis Ranch Master Plan relating to 297.08 acres located east of Banning Lewis Parkway between Dublin Boulevard and Stetson Hills Boulevard changing land use designations to residential and commercial.
Related Files: CPC V 20-00123; CPC PUZ 20-00124; CPC PUP 20-00125; CPC ZC 21-00038; CPC CP 21-00039
Katelynn Wintz, Senior Planner, Planning & Community Development
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning & Community Development
Owner: Walton Colorado LLC
Developer: Clayton Properties Group II dba Oakwood Homes of Colorado Springs
Representative: LAI Design Group
Location: East of Banning Lewis Parkway between Dublin Boulevard and Stetson Hills Boulevard
The project includes concurrent applications for a major master plan amendment, right-of-way vacation, PUD zone change, PUD concept plan, zone change and concept plan for 297.08 acres of land east of the future Banning Lewis Parkway between the future extensions of Stetson Hills Boulevard and Dublin Boulevard. The project, Banning Lewis Ranch Village A, is zoned R5/SS/AO and R1-6000/SS/AO (Multi-Family Residential, and Single-Family residential with Streamside and Airport Overlays). The major master plan amendment proposes a change to the land use designation from RH (Residential - High) to RES-M (Medium density, 3.5-7.99 dwelling units per acre), RES-MH (medium-high density, 8-11.99 dwelling units per acre), Commercial, Educational and Parks/Open Space to establish a primarily residential neighborhood development with some commercial opportunities. The project proposes a 49.6-acre cumulative right-of-way vacation affecting previously platted portions of Banning Lewis Parkway, Stetson Hills Boulevard, Dublin Boulevard and some interior roadways based on the proposed reconfiguration of the interior street layout. The proposed right-of-way vacation...
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