A Resolution approving a service plan allowing for the creation of the Chapel Heights Metropolitan District
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning and Community Development
Carl Schueler, Planning Manager- Comprehensive Planning, Planning and Development Department
This is a request by Challenger Homes for approval of a service plan that would allow formation of the Chapel Heights Metropolitan District. The District would provide financing for public improvements in this planned residential development and also own and maintain common areas, landscaping and the community center. In lieu of an HOA, the petitioners are requesting authority to administer covenant enforcement and common area maintenance functions through this district. The petitioners are requesting a maximum operations and maintenance mill levy of 15.0 mills Gallagher-adjusted.
This item was continued from a hearing on September 24, 2019 to this date, to allow an opportunity for additional communications related to land use and federal Opportunity Zone topics and questions.
Previous Council Action:
There have been no prior special district related actions applicable to these properties. Residential land use approval requests, including Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning, are anticipated to be heard on today's agenda immediately prior this item
This item was discussed at the City Council Budget Committee on August 19, 2019 as further described below, and introduced to Council in a Work Session on September 9, 2019. On September 24, 2019, City Council voted to postpone action on this item to today's date.
The proposed Chapel Heights Metropolitan District (the "District"), would be used to finance local public improvements and provide ongoing operations and maintenance functions for what is planned to be a residential redevelopment of the former Nazarene Bible College property and an additional site, located east of...
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