A PUD Development Plan to allow construction of the Creekwalk Apartment project for a 7-story, 400-unit apartment building, located between E. St. Elmo Ave. and E. Ramona Ave. just west of S. Nevada Ave.
Related Files: PDZ-22-0008, COPN-22-0025
Ryan Tefertiller, Urban Planning Manager, Planning and Community Development Department
Peter Wysocki, Planning Director, Planning and Community Development Department
Owner: Creekwalk North, LLC
Developer: Creekwalk North, LLC
Representative: Kimley-Horn
Location: Between E. St. Elmo Ave. and E. Ramona Ave. just west of S. Nevada Ave.
The project includes concurrent applications for a PDZ zone change (previously referred to as the PUD Zone), an amendment to the previously approved Creekwalk Redevelopment Concept Plan, and a PUDD development plan for roughly 4.5 acres of land located between E. St. Elmo Ave. and E. Ramona Ave. just west of S. Nevada Ave. The site is currently zoned MX-M (Mixed Use Medium Scale) and R5 (Multi-Family Residential) zone districts, both with the SS (Streamside Overlay) zoning designation. The proposed PDZ/SS zone would permit multi-family residential land use, with a maximum building height of 85 feet, and a maximum density of 87.72 DUs/acre. The concurrent Concept Plan amendment and PUDD development plan illustrate the proposed apartment building with up to 400 dwelling units, 548 parking stalls within the internal parking structure, site improvements (e.g. access, guest parking, creek and trail improvements), and other project amenities.
The subject property is located within the South Nevada Urban Renewal District which was created by City Council in 2015 in order to cure blight and create incentives for economic investment in the area. There has been significant progress over the last 7+ years with new retail, restaurant and service uses, particularly along the west side of S. Nevada Ave. Many of these projec...
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