A Resolution Authorizing the Use of a Possession and Use and Eminent Domain to Acquire Real Property Interests Owned by JE Martin LLC and Jennifer Rasmussen for the Tutt Boulevard Extension: Dublin Boulevard to Templeton Gap Road Project
Gayle Sturdivant, P.E., City Engineer/Interim Public Works Director
Darlene Kennedy, Real Estate Services Manager
The proposed resolution would authorize the use of a possession and use agreement and eminent domain to acquire real property interests from JE Martin LLC and Jennifer Rasmussen needed in connection with the Tutt Boulevard Extension: Dublin Boulevard to Templeton Gap Road Project.
The City of Colorado Springs ("City") is working to complete the Tutt Boulevard Extension: Dublin Boulevard to Templeton Gap Road Project (the "Project"). The Project was identified by the Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority ("PPRTA") as an "A-list" priority project, and total project funding is $5,279,518. The extension of Tutt Boulevard from Dublin Boulevard to Vickie Lane was completed in 2016. Construction on the extension of Tutt Boulevard from Vickie Lane to Templeton Gap Road is anticipated to start in October 2023 and be completed in mid-2024. (See Project Location Map).
JE Martin LLC and Jennifer Rasmussen (the "Property Owners") jointly own property that is needed for the Project. The City needs approximately 0.857-acres (37,325 sf) for right of way in fee simple, approximately 0.130-acres (5,670 sf) as permanent easements, and approximately 0.152-acres (6,632 sf) of temporary construction easements (the "Property") from the Property Owners for the Project.
An appraisal for the Property was obtained, and an offer was made to acquire the Property on May 26, 2023, for the appraised value of $580,000.00. The City provided the Property Owners with a Notice of Intent to Acquire on November 29, 2022, and the Property Owners were afforded the opportunity to secure an inde...
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