A Warrant and Minor Improvement Plan to allow the redevelopment of two (2) commercial buildings for commercial and office uses, building façade improvements, streetscape improvements and a reduction of required off-street parking spaces in the FBZ-T2 (Form-Based Zone Transition Sector 2) consisting of 15,246 square feet (.35 acres) located at 525 and 531 South Weber Street. (Quasi-Judicial)
William Gray, Senior Planner, City Planning - Urban Division
Recommended Action
Proposed Motions:
1. Approve the Warrant and Minor Improvement Plan for Weber St Redevelopment, based upon the findings that the application meets the approval criteria as set forth in Form-Based Code Section 5.4 and Form-Based Code Section 5.6
1) A SWENT approved Final Drainage Letter is provided
2) The Applicant will clarify CSU review comments related to patio wall heights and the trash enclosure.
3) A street tree and bike parking are added to the Minor Improvement Plan to address City Planning review comments.
4) All outstanding City review agency comments are addressed.
2. Deny the Warrant and Minor Improvement Plan for Weber St Redevelopment, based upon the findings that the application does not meet the approval criteria as set forth in Form-Based Code Section 5.4 and Form-Based Code Section 5.6