Establishing the Sun Mountain Townhomes Development Plan for proposed multi-family residential within six (6) 4-plexes and one (1) duplex, Streets/Utility Rights-of-Way, and Open Space consisting of 2.52 acres located at 520 North Twentieth Street.
Gabe Sevigny, Planning Supervisor, City Planning Department
Owner: E6 Development LLC
Representative: M.V.E, Inc and NES
Location: 520 North Twentieth Street
The proposal comprises of a zoning map amendment from R-2 (Two-Family Residential) to R-Flex-Med/CR (R-Flex Medium Scale with Conditions of Record) consisting of 2.22 acres and a development plan consisting of 2.52 acres. The proposed development will consist of a total of 26 units in six (6) 4-plexes and one (1) duplex, with a maximum building height of 33 feet from average finished grade, ancillary site improvements, and adjacent public improvements. This project is known as Uintah Townhomes (or Sun Mountain Townhomes).
Please see the attached City Planning Commission Staff Report for a complete analysis of the proposed applications.
Review Criteria:
The review criteria for a Development Plan, file number: DEPN-24-0111 as set forth in City Code Section 7.5.515 (UDC) are noted below:
1. The decision-making criteria in Section 7.5.409 (General Criteria for Approval) apply unless modified by this Subsection 4;
2. The application complies with all applicable Use-specific standards in Part 7.3.3 related to the proposed use(s);
3. The details of the site design, building location, orientation, and exterior building materials are compatible and harmonious with the surrounding neighborhood, buildings, and uses, including not-yet-developed uses identified in approved Development Plans;
4. Significant off-site impacts reasonably anticipated as a result of the project are mitigated or offset to the extent proportional and practicable;
5. The Development Plan substantially complies w...
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