A Resolution approving a Service Plan for the Banning Lewis Ranch Metropolitan District Nos. 8-11
(Legislative Item)
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning and Community Development
Carl Schueler, Comprehensive Planning Manager, Planning and Community Development
This is a request by Clayton Properties Group II Inc., d/b/a Oakwood Homes for approval of a new service plan which would authorize four additional "base" metropolitan districts to be used for remaining future development phases of the Oakwood portion of the Banning Lewis Ranch development. These new districts would be deployed in the area east of Banning Lewis Parkway. Authorities and limitations will be similar to those of the existing remaining BLR "base" districts (District Nos. 2-5). The allowable maximum mill levies would be the same as for the current districts (30.0 for debt service and 20.0 for operations and maintenance, both Gallagher adjusted).
The petitioner notes that two of their original districts (District Nos. 6 and 7) have already, or and proposed to be re-characterized as regional districts. They further note that the use and management of metropolitan districts has evolved in recent years, to include the use of smaller phased district areas.
This item was introduced at a City Council Work Session on August 13, 2018.
Previous Council Action:
On September 13, 2005, City Council approved the formation and service plan of the Banning Lewis Ranch Metropolitan Districts Nos. 1-7 (the "Districts") by Resolution No. 162-05. City Council subsequently approved an Amended and Consolidated Plan (the "Service Plan") for District Nos. 1-5 and 7, by Resolution No. 52-08 adopted on March 11, 2008. District No. 6 was reserved out in anticipation of a wastewater improvements agreement being entered into among Colorado Springs Utilities and certain BLR developers, and the need for District No. 6 to support the purposes of that agreement. On June 22, ...
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