A Conditional Use to allow a Multi-Family Dwelling land use in the MX-N (Mixed-Use Neighborhood Scale) zone district located at 1015 East Pikes Peak Avenue. (Quasi-Judicial)
William Gray, Senior Planner, City Planning
Recommended Action
Optional Motions:
1. Motion to Approve
Approve the Conditional Use to allow a Multi-Family Dwelling land use in the MX-N (Mixed-Use Neighborhood Scale) zone district located at 1015 East Pikes Peak Avenue, based upon the findings that the request complies with the criteria for Conditional Use as set forth in City Code Section 7.5.601.C.2 with the following condition:
1. The Conditional Use applies to Lot 2, A Replat of Lot 1 of Centerpoint Medical Plaza Filing No. 2.
2. Motion to Deny
Deny the Conditional Use to allow a Multi-Family Dwelling land use in the MX-N (Mixed-Use Neighborhood Scale) zone district located at 1015 East Pikes Peak Avenue, based upon the findings that the request does not comply with the criteria for a Conditional Use as set forth in City Code Section 7.5.601.C.2