2433 East Fountain Boulevard Concept Plan illustrating future commercial development of a 2.59 acre site for automotive storage yard for recreational vehicles and auto storage and mini-warehouses.
Related File: CPC ZC 18-00117
Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning and Community Development
Lonna Thelen, Principal Planner, Planning and Community Development
Applicant/Owner: Amerco Real Estate Company
Consultant Representative: Amerco Real Estate Company
Location: 2433 East Fountain Boulevard
This project includes concurrent applications for a zone change and accompanying concept plan illustrating land uses and general access points for the 2.59 acres located on Fountain Boulevard between South Circle Drive and Union Boulevard at 2433 East Fountain Boulevard. The proposal will rezone 6.5 acres from PBC (Planned Business Center) to C-6/cr (General Business District with conditions of record).
Previous Council Action:
No previous Council actions.
This application includes a zone change for a 2.59 acre parcel from PBC to C-6/cr. In addition, a concept plan is provided showing a conceptual layout for an automotive storage yard for recreational vehicles and auto storage and mini-warehouse buildings.
The zone change request is from PBC to C-6/cr. The condition of record would prohibit the following uses:
1. Rooming or boarding house
2. Crematory Services
3. Exterminating Services
4. Indoor kennels
5. Outdoor kennels
6. Animal shelters
7. Outdoor entertainment
8. Outdoor sports and recreation
9. Construction and/or contractor yards
10. Custom manufacturing
11. Light industrial
12. Industrial laundry services
The major use of this site is a covered recreational vehicle storage yard. The site also contains two buildings for mini-warehouses. Because the primary use is recreational vehicle storage, the use is considered automotive storage yard. This use is not allowed in the PBC zone district, therefore, the applicant has requested a C-6 zone district, but conditioned out the C-6 zoning to mirror the PBC zoning with the exception that automotive storage yard, auto repair garage and automotive sales are permitted uses and equipment rental and sales is a conditional use. This portion of Fountain Boulevard from Circle to Union has limited development. The uses proposed are quiet and clean uses and will not adversely affect the properties to the north of Fountain Boulevard.
The 2433 East Fountain Concept Plan illustrates the intended locations of the covered automotive storage structures for the recreational vehicles. There are also two mini-warehouse structures shown on the east and south side of the property. The structures are a maximum of 20 feet in height. The site is accessed via an access easement across 2605 East Fountain Boulevard that is east of this property. The property addressed as 2605 East Fountain Boulevard is currently under review for a mini-warehouse facility that will be developed by the same developer as 2433 East Fountain Boulevard. A 25-foot landscape setback is planned behind the detached sidewalk to provide a nicely landscaped streetscape for this site.
The attached City Planning Commission staff report summarizes the project details.
The project supports the City’s Strategic plan of building community and collaborative relationships and provides a platform for the building of a new commercial area in a part of town that has been vacant for many years. The envisioned future uses will provide commercial uses to neighboring residential homes and the project will support the future creation of employment opportunities.
Financial Implications:
Board/Commission Recommendation:
At the Planning Commission meeting held on December 20, 2018, these items were approved 8-0 under the consent calendar. Please reference the minutes from the hearing for a detailed record.
Stakeholder Process:
The public notification process for the associated applications consisted of providing notice to the neighbors by placing a poster for the project on site and sending postcards to 223 property owners within 1000-feet of the project site. No public comment was received for this project. The site will be posted prior to Planning Commission public hearing and City Council.
The applications were sent to the standard internal and external agencies for review and comment. Any review comments received have been addressed. Review agencies for this project included Colorado Springs Utilities, City Traffic, City Engineering, City Fire Department and Police/E-911, as well as School District 2, Floodplain and Enumerations, and Colorado Department of Transportation. The airport overlay did not review this site due to the site being approximately one mile outside of the airport overlay boundary.
Please see the Planning Commission staff report for more details.
1. Uphold the action of the City Planning Commission;
2. Modify the decision of the City Planning Commission;
3. Reverse the action of the City Planning Commission; or
4. Refer the matter back to the City Planning Commission for further consideration
Recommended Action
Proposed Motion:
Approve the 2433 East Fountain Concept Plan, based upon the findings that the concept plan meets the review criteria for concept plans as set forth in City Code Section 7.5.501.E subject to the following technical modifications:
1. Revise the conditions of record to list the prohibited uses.
2. Remove the C-6 zone from the existing zone section.
3. Revise the legal description to match the zoning ordinance.
4. Add the following note:
a. The owner is aware that the final detention facility design may change; and, therefore, the site layout and building locations shown on the concept plan may also change.
Summary of Ordinance Language