A Resolution to Amend Resolution No. 190-24 Increasing the 2025 Jimmy Camp Creek Basin Drainage Fee
Erin Powers, P.E., Stormwater Enterprise Manager
At its January 28, 2025, meeting, the City/County Drainage Board approved a recommendation for an increase of $134 per acre to the drainage fee for the Jimmy Camp Creek basin. The existing 2025 drainage fee for this basin is $11,602 per acre. The new drainage fee for this basin would be $11,736 per acre.
Action by the Drainage Board to increase the Jimmy Camp Creek basin drainage fee to cover additional drainage basin costs represents a common practice used by the Drainage Board to cover unanticipated additional drainage facility costs in new subdivision development. Unanticipated costs can be described as costs not shown in the Drainage Basin Planning Study (DBPS) for the drainage basin and/or costs that were not included in the original fee calculation for the basin.
The Drainage Board’s recommendation to increase the drainage fee originated with a request by the Bradley Height Metro District. Channel improvements will be installed within the Jimmy Camp Creek basin as identified in the Jimmy Camp Creek DBPS. The estimated cost of the improvements in the DBPS was $4,829,855 (adjusted for inflation). The anticipated reimbursable amount of $7,200,000 exceeded the estimated cost by $2,370,145. This fee increase is intended to cover the excess cost for the reimbursable improvements.
Previous Council Action:
On December 10, 2024, the City Council approved Resolution No. 190-24 (Exhibit C) establishing the 2025 Drainage Basin Fees, Bridge Fees, and Detention Pond Facility and Land Fees.
Financial Implications:
Drainage fees are paid by developers and are used to reimburse other developers who construct drainage improvements. These basin fees are not utilized by the City of Colorado Springs for drainage infrastructure, maintenance, or improvements. Instead, the fees are used to help offset the costs that developers incur to build public infrastructure that is beyond their obligation. The increases to the drainage, bridge and detention pond facility fees should help preserve the financial integrity of the drainage fee program. The revenue and expenditures for drainage, bridge and detention pond facility fees are tracked in a separate fund. There is no impact to the General Fund.
City Council Appointed Board/Commission/Committee Recommendation:
On January 28, 2025, the City/County Drainage Board approved a recommendation to City Council for an increase of $134 per acre to the drainage fee for the Jimmy Camp Creek basin.
Stakeholder Process:
There was no public comment on the item presented at the Drainage Board meeting.
Leave the drainage fee for the Jimmy Camp Creek basin at its current amount. This would result in the fee being too low to cover all of the reimbursable drainage facility costs in the basin.
Recommended Action
Proposed Motion:
Move to approve the resolution to amend resolution No. 190-24 increasing the Jimmy Camp Creek basin drainage fee.
Summary of Ordinance Language