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File #: CPC DP 21-00133    Version: Name: 1609 South Cascade Ave
Type: Planning Case Status: Passed
File created: 1/5/2022 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/22/2022 Final action: 2/22/2022
Title: A development plan for 1609 South Cascade Avenue covering 6,700 square feet of land to allow the existing structure to be utilized for office use. (Quasi-Judicial) Related Files: CPC MP 93-176-A6MN21, CPC ZC 21-00132 Presenter: Ryan Tefertiller, Urban Planning Manager, Planning and Community Development Department Peter Wysocki, Planning Director, Planning and Community Development Department
Indexes: Ivywild Master Plan
Attachments: 1. FIGURE 1 - 1609 S. Cascade_DP Set 8.5x11, 2. 7.5.502.E Development Plan Review
Related files: CPC MP 93-176-A6MN21, CPC ZC 21-00132



A development plan for 1609 South Cascade Avenue covering 6,700 square feet of land to allow the existing structure to be utilized for office use.




Related Files:  CPC MP 93-176-A6MN21, CPC ZC 21-00132



Ryan Tefertiller, Urban Planning Manager, Planning and Community Development Department

Peter Wysocki, Planning Director, Planning and Community Development Department




Owner: Joseph Coleman

Developer: Joseph Coleman

Representative: N.E.S. Inc.

Location: 1609 S. Cascade Ave.


An application to change the zoning of 1609 S. Cascade Ave. from the R2 (Two-Family Residential) zone district to the OR (Office Residential) zone district to allow the property to be used for office use.  The site is located in a mixed-use area with commercial, office, lodging, entertainment, and single-family uses all in the immediate area.  



The subject property is located in the Ivywild neighborhood just south of Downtown Colorado Springs.  The area was platted and initially developed in the early 1900’s.  While much of the Ivywild area is zoned exclusively for single-family and two-family residential uses, the eastern edge of the area is a mix of zoning districts and uses.  The Nevada corridor is nearly completely zoned C5 (Intermediate Business) and is primarily occupied by commercial and auto-oriented uses.  The Tejon corridor, just west of Nevada, is also zoned C5 and occupied by commercial uses, but most businesses are slightly less intense with a number of converted residences making up a portion of the west side of the street.  One block further west, S. Cascade Ave., is to some extent the dividing line between residential uses to the west and non-residential uses to the east.  The primary exception to this, however, is the Ivywild School Commercial Center which is immediately west of S. Cascade Ave. between W. Navajo St. and Dorchester Dr. 


The subject property has been owned by Joseph Coleman since 2005.  During that time, it has served as a residential rental property.  Mr. Coleman has initiated the proposed applications in order to allow the property to be used for an office use. 


The proposed development plan illustrates the removal of a detached garage to the east of the principal structure, the construction of an ADA accessible ramp, and the creation of five parking stalls accessed from the rear alley.  The existing curb cut to E. Navajo St. will be closed and landscape improvements will be made throughout the site and the adjacent public right-of-way. Additionally, a 6-foot privacy fence will be installed along the north edge of the site.  Internally, the structure will be remodeled to allow for an interior design office.  The property will retain its residential character from the adjacent public realm.


City Code requires that a zone change application be consistent with the associated master plan and be supported by either a concept plan or development plan.  To address these requirements, the property owner has concurrently submitted a minor amendment to the Ivywild Master Plan and submitted a development plan illustrating the existing structure and the proposed minor site changes.   


Detailed analysis of all three applications is included in the Planning Commission staff report, but Council should know that all the required review criteria and quantifiable standards have been closely reviewed and considered.  The site is small and is surrounding on three sides by non-residential uses and zones.  Significant landscape improvements will be implemented as part of the project while still retaining the residential character of the existing building.  No residents or stakeholders in the area expressed any concern or opposition to the proposed applications.


  Previous Council Action:



  Financial Implications:



  City Council Appointed Board/Commission/Committee Recommendation:

On January 20, 2022, the City’s Planning Commission voted to unanimously to recommend approval of all their consent calendar items, including the three applications for 1609 S. Cascade Ave.


  Stakeholder Process:

The public process involved with the review of these applications included posting of the site and sending 182 postcards on two separate occasions to all property owners within a 1,000-foot buffer area.  No public comments were received by Staff.


The applications were reviewed by all standard City agencies including, Public Works, Traffic Engineering, Colorado Springs Utilities, Water Resource Engineering, Parks and Recreation, and others.  All reviewers support the project; a few remaining technical concerns on the development plan are included as Technical Modifications within Staff’s recommended motion.



1.                     Uphold the action of the City Planning Commission;
                     Modify the decision of the City Planning Commission;
                     Reverse the action of the City Planning Commission; or
                     Refer the matter back to the City Planning Commission for further consideration


Recommended Action

  Proposed Motions:

CPC DP 21-00133

Approve the 1609 S. Cascade Ave. Development Plan, based upon the finding that the application complies with the review criteria in City Code Section 7.5.502.E, subject to compliance with the following technical and/or informational plan modifications:


1.                     Update the site data to correctly list the property’s building setbacks.

2.                     Update the plan to label and dimension the distance from the new parking area and new ADA ramp to the front property line along E. Navajo St.

3.                     Correct the plan’s elevation sheets to correctly label each side of the structure.

4.                     Finalize acceptance of the project’s drainage letter.

5.                     Correct the curb type labels along E. Navajo St.

6.                     Add the required note to the plan regarding new electrical infrastructure in the public right-of-way.

7.                     Addresses the required updates and corrections to the final irrigation plan as described in Staff’s December 28, 2021, review letter.


Summary of Ordinance Language


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