A conditional use development plan for Stone Mesa Flats allowing a 158-unit multi-family development with ancillary site improvements in the M-1/AO (Light Industrial with Airport Overlay) zone district located at 7044 Tutt Boulevard.
Related Files: CPC MP 01-00147-A7MJ22, CPC R 22-00138
Daniel Besinaiz, Senior Planner, Planning & Community Development
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning & Community Development
Owner: LWN C Springs Self Storage, LLC
Consultant: Kimley-Horn & Associates
Location: 7044 Tutt Boulevard
The project application is for approval of a major master plan amendment, a conditional use development plan, and administrative relief for Stone Mesa Flats located at 7044 Tutt Boulevard. The plan will allow for a new 158-unit multi-family development with ancillary site improvements in a M-1/AO (Light Industrial with Airport Overlay) zone district.
The proposed Major Master Plan Amendment requests to change the land use classification from Industrial to Multifamily Residential (25+ Dwelling Units/Acre). Master Plans are generalized guides for development and, as noted in City Code Section 7.5.403.C, at times it may become necessary to amend the plans as conditions change. The original Greenbriar/Powerwood Master Plan attempted to balance the land use needs of the area. The currently approved master plan shows more industrial land use designation than what is proposed.
This master plan has been amended frequently to accommodate the modern residential development pattern. Market conditions evolved over the last three decades and the proposed changes are a proactive response to ensure greenfield development is responsive to the current market conditions. The proposed land use designation change shows a new residential land use classification and is compatible with existing and proposed residential land uses to the northeast. Staff finds that the proposed plan revisions are supportive of the high-demand for residential development within the City.
City Planning staff finds the application to be consistent with the purpose of the Master Plan, as set forth in City Code Section 7.5.401.
The proposed Stone Mesa Flats Conditional Use Development Plan consists of an infill development proposal for a three-building 158-unit multi-family residential development. Per the Project Statement, this development will offer amenities (including a dog park and swimming pool) and ancillary on-site improvements. There is one primary right-in/right-out access point off Tutt Boulevard. A preliminary landscape plan was submitted illustrating a variety of trees and shrubs consistent with planting and landscape requirements; a final landscape and irrigation plan will be required within 90 days of building permit issuance. The preliminary landscape plan illustrates sidewalks along Tutt Boulevard, as well as walking paths throughout the site connecting building entrances to exterior amenities.
The applicant’s proposal is a good fit for the surrounding area as infill development. Residents of the project will have convenient access to medical services and public parks and open space. Residents in the area do not have convenient access to alternate modes of transportation (i.e. Mountain Metro bus service) but there is close connection to the trail along East Woodmen Road.
City Planning staff finds the application to be consistent with the purpose of the Conditional Uses and Development Plan criteria.
The administrative relief application requests relief to allow for building height to exceed the 45’ maximum. The proposed height for each building is 51’ 9”. City Code 7.5.1103 creates an allowance for an increase in height of a structure. Staff finds that the request is in conformance with the intent of the provided building height calculation and the proposed request meets the criteria for granting an administrative relief.
City Planning staff finds the requests meets the four review criteria, per City Code Section 7.5.1102, for an administrative relief to be granted:
• Extraordinary or exceptional physical conditions - There is currently 35’ of fall from the north property line to the east property line. This existing topography follows Tutt Boulevard and cannot be substantially altered due to the property’s proximity to Tutt Boulevard.
• Intent of Zoning Code is preserved - The intent of the City Zoning code is preserved.
• No adverse impact upon surrounding properties - No adverse impacts would result on surrounding properties. The property is roughly 20-25’ below grade from the property to the north. The height increase would increase the visual impact at most from 25’ to 31.75’.
• Granting will not allow an increase in number of dwelling units - The project is not utilizing the relief to increase the number of units on site.
Staff has evaluated the proposed project for conformance with the City’s current comprehensive plan (herein referred to as “PlanCOS”), adopted in January 2019. According to the PlanCOS Vision Map, the project site is identified as a Newer Developing Neighborhood (see “PlanCOS Vision Map” attachment). Provision of newly constructed residential units is a direct response to the market needs for housing in the City, and the allowance of a multi-family residential district benefits this goal by allowing for a variety of housing types and density mixes.
The project aligns with PlanCOS Chapter 4 Goal TE-4, which states:
“Focus on productively developing and redeveloping areas already in, nearby, or surrounded by the city in order to preserve open spaces, maximize investments in existing infrastructure, limit future maintenance costs, and reduce the impacts of disinvestment in blighted areas.”
Policy TE-4.A encourages prioritization of development within the existing City boundaries and built environment (not in the periphery) and is further supported by Strategy TE.4-A-3 which supports greenfield development that includes mixed-use, higher density clusters, and quality design. While the proposed development is near the periphery of the built environment, staff finds the project to still substantially conform to the intent of the Policy as stated because the project site is within the existing City boundaries and is located adjacent to existing development which further reinforces the ability to maximize investments in existing infrastructure. The project also alights with PlanCOS Chapter 2 Policy VN-3.E, which states:
“Encourage and support the integration of mixed-use development in neighborhoods.”
Though the specific development itself is not mixed-use, its close proximity to medical services, retail, and parks and open space help to create a mixed-use neighborhood that may encourage alternative modes of transportation such as walking and biking.
The project supports the City’s Strategic plan goals of building community and collaborative relationships and provides a platform for the building neighborhoods and communities through the infill development of vacant parcels. The development of new residential units will further development and investment within the area and strengthen the Colorado Springs economy through the orderly growth of the corridor
Previous Council Action:
The parcel was annexed into the city under the Greenbriar Annexation No. 2 on June 24, 2003.
Financial Implications:
City Council Appointed Board/Commission/Committee Recommendation:
This item was heard at the September 14, 2022, City Planning Commission meeting, as part of the Consent agenda. The applications were passed on a unanimous approval (9-0-0).
Stakeholder Process:
The public notification process consisted of providing notice to adjacent property owners within 1,000 feet of the site, which included the mailing of postcards to 57 property owners on two occasions; during the internal review stage and prior to the Planning Commission hearing. The site was also posted during the two occasions noted above. City Planning did not receive any comments in support or opposition.
Approve, modify, or deny the conditional use development plan. Alternately, the City Council could refer the matter back to the City Planning Commission for further consideration.
Recommended Action
Proposed Motion:
Approve the Conditional Use Development Plan based upon the findings that the request meets the review criteria for granting a Conditional Use as set forth in the City Code Section 7.5.704 and meets the review criteria for granting a Development Plan as set forth in City Code Section 7.5.502(E).
Summary of Ordinance Language