A PUD concept plan for the Crest at Woodmen for the redevelopment of a 63.9-acre site with a mix of residential, commercial and industrial uses.
Related Files: CPC PUZ 20-00044, CPC PUP 20-00045
Daniel Sexton, Principal Planner, Planning & Community Development
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning & Community Development
Owner: Crest at Woodmen, LLC
Developer: Crest at Woodmen, LLC
Representative: NES. Inc.
Location: 6765 Campus Drive
The project includes concurrent applications for a PUD zone change and concept plan. The zone change request proposes to change the project area from PIP-1/cr/SS (Planned Industrial Park with Conditions of Record and Streamside Overlay) to PUD/SS (Planned Unit Development with Streamside). The concept plan illustrates the envisioned redevelopment for the former Current Stationery property with residential, commercial, and industrial uses, roadway improvements, and a reconfigured lot layout.
The applicant’s zone change request will rezone the 63.9-acre project site from PIP-1/cr/SS (Planned Industrial Park with Conditions of Record and Streamside Overlay) to PUD/SS (Planned Unit Development with Streamside). (see “PUD Zone Change Exhibit” attachment) The requested zone establishes a mix of commercial, industrial, and residential uses, with certain land uses prohibited in the zone. The applicant has proposed a maximum building height of 45 feet, density range 25-30 dwelling units per acre (proposed Lot 6 only), and maximum building square footage of 677,527 square feet (lots 1-6), which define the parameters for the development. An additional set of custom dimensional controls have been set forth on the PUD concept plan to blend the project with the land use pattern for the surrounding area.
The envisioned mix of land uses is similar to those uses found in the immediate area, and take into account the applicant’s desire to retain the current industrial tenants. The applicant has proposed a list of prohibited land uses, which consist of: campgrounds, crematory services, funeral service subuses, hookah bar, any uses under medical marijuana facility, sexually oriented businesses, teen club/youth adult club, human service establishments, construction/contractor yards, and mining operations. These uses were previously prohibited in the PIP-1 zone through conditions of record and have been expanded based on public input. Together, the planned mix of land uses and dimensional and development standards mitigate the project’s impacts while taking into account the development patterns of the immediate area. (see “Context Map” attachment)
The Crest at Woodmen PUD Concept Plan (see “PUD Concept Plan” attachment) illustrates the envisioned redevelopment approach for the former Current Stationery property with residential, commercial, and industrial uses, roadway improvements, and a reconfigured lot layout. The applicant anticipates that each pad site will be developed individually as end users are identified. On the plan, the applicant set the building setbacks (Front Setback: 50’ (Woodmen Road) and 30’ (Campus Drive); Rear Setback: 50’ (southern property boundary; Side Setback: 70’ (eastern property boundary) for the unified development to mitigate impacts on the immediate neighborhood. As a unified development, the building setbacks outlined above are measured from the periphery of the development as depicted on the plan and not from internal lot lines, roadways or access drives. The more restrictive building setbacks should aid in reducing the visual impact of future buildings potentially constructed in the development, as the proposed PUD zone sets a maximum building height of 45 feet.
As this project is developed, the applicant will incorporate pedestrian and vehicular improvements throughout the project to afford greater connectivity between the project and the surrounding area. The pedestrian improvements will consist of sidewalks and trail connections to the recently construct Tier 1 trail along Cottonwood Creek. The proposed roadway improvements will consist of new public residential and private access drives, which will connect to existing public roadways adjacent to the site (i.e. Woodmen Road and Campus Drive). The Crest at Woodmen project will meet or exceed the streamside protection standards for development within the Streamside Overlay, as stated in City Code Section 7.3.508(E) Development Standards.
The project applications have been evaluated for conformance with the City’s current comprehensive plan (herein referred to as “PlanCOS”), adopted in January 2019. According to PlanCOS, the project site is identified as an Established Suburban Neighborhood, but is also adjacent to an Intercity Corridor and New/Developing activity center. (see “PlanCOS Vision Map” attachment) Per the Vibrant Neighborhoods Framework map, the project site is part of an area identified as an Established Suburban Neighborhood typology, which looks to support connectivity between redeveloped areas, integrate traffic calming measures to improve safe streets and neighborhood privacy, and develop connections to off-street trail systems. (see “PlanCOS Vibrant Neighborhoods Map” attachment) The Crest at Woodmen project is consistent with this typology, as the project will diversify the mix of uses in the area through the redevelopment of the project site. The applicant has proposed dimensional controls that accommodate a variety of development and building options, which will enhance the surrounding land use pattern. While for some the expected change to traffic is a less than desirable attribute of the project, the proposed improvements should promote safety, convenience and ease of traffic flow and pedestrian movement both on- and off-site.
One of the “Big Ideas” in the Vibrant Neighborhoods Chapter 2 of PlanCOS is entitled “Reclaim Neighborhood Space”, which has goal VN-3.E that states:
“Through neighborhood plans, associations, and partnerships, empower neighborhoods to reinvest in order to create community, vibrancy, and to address their specific vision and needs.”
A policy for this goal further reinforces that development should “Encourage and support the integration of mixed-use development in neighborhoods.” Adaptive and responsive land use change is one of the core values of PlanCOS, including in largely established development areas. On balance with this perspective, City Planning staff finds that the mix of envisioned land uses, location and proposed development controls meets the overall intent of this idea. Projects such as this must be considered to ensure the City meets the needs of the larger community and the orderly redevelopment of certain areas. Adaptive and responsive change is another core values of PlanCOS. For the reasons provided in this overall staff report, staff City Planning staff finds that this adaptive redevelopment proposal and its associated applications to be in substantially conformance with PlanCOS and its guidance.
The project supports the City’s Strategic plan of building community and collaborative relationships and provides a platform for the building of neighborhoods and communities, as it will allow for the redevelopment of the former Current Stationary property with complimentary residential, commercial and industrial land uses. The development of additional land uses in this area will support existing communities in the surrounding area, and strengthen the Colorado Springs economy through the orderly growth of the Interstate 25 and Woodmen Road corridors.
Previous Council Action:
City Council previously took action on this property in the late 1970s when the property was annexed into the City.
Financial Implications:
The project site is not part of a master planned area. As such, no master plan applications or corresponding fiscal impact analysis was required for this project.
City Council Appointed Board/Commission/Committee Recommendation:
At the City Planning Commission meeting held on June 18, 2020, the project applications were considered under the Consent Calendar. Without discussion, Planning Commission voted unanimously 8-0-1 (with Commissioner McMurray absent) to approve the project applications.
Stakeholder Process:
The public notification process consisted of providing notice to surrounding homeowners associations and adjacent property owners within 1,000 feet of the site, which included the mailing of postcards to 305 property owners on four occasions: a pre-application neighborhood meeting, during the internal review, and prior to the Planning Commission and City Council hearings. The site was also posted during the four occasions noted above. At the neighborhood meeting, approximately 50 residents attended to listen to a presentation by the applicant and ask questions. During the neighborhood meeting and throughout the public comment period, City Planning staff received written and verbal public comment both in favor and against the project. (see “Public Comments” attachment)
Detailed discussion of the public comments is provided in the Planning Commission staff report.
The applications were sent to the standard internal and external review agencies for review and comments. Review comments received have been addressed. The internal and external commenting agencies for this project included Colorado Springs Utilities, City Engineering, City Traffic, City Fire, City Water Resource Engineering, City Parks, Council of Neighborhood Organizations (CONO), School District #20, Colorado Geological Survey, Police, USAFA, and E-911.
As an infill project within an established neighborhood, City Planning staff notes that the following review agencies did or did not provide project specific comments:
Ø Colorado Springs Parks - The Parks Department requested parkland fees in lieu of land dedication, which will be collected at time of building permit.
Ø School District #20 - The District requested fees in lieu of land dedication, which will be collected at time of building permit.
Ø USAFA - Provided a comment letter requesting that the standard USAFA notice be applied to all entitlement documents and that a private avigation easement be filed to help protect USAFA’s flight mission.
1. Uphold the action of the City Planning Commission;
2. Modify the decision of the City Planning Commission;
3. Reverse the action of the City Planning Commission; or
4. Refer the matter back to the City Planning Commission for further consideration.
Recommended Action
Proposed Motion:
CPC PUP 20-00045
Approve the PUD concept plan for the Crest at Woodmen project, based upon the findings that the request meets the review criteria for establishing a PUD concept plan, as set forth in City Code Section 7.3.605, and the review criteria for establishing a concept plan, as set forth in City Code Section 7.5.501(E).
Summary of Ordinance Language