Ordinance No. 21-84 amending Section 104 (Deposit of Coins or Tokens; Time Limits; Prohibitions) of Article 15 Parking Meter Regulations) of Chapter 10 (Motor Vehicles and Traffic) of the Code of the City of Colorado Springs 2001, as amended, pertaining to remuneration-exempt identifying placard
Scott Lee, Parking Enterprise Manager
Amending existing Ordinance to conform to the State of Colorado statute regarding remuneration-exempt placards being exempt from requirement to pay at metered parking stalls
The General Assembly passed HB 18-1285 - Remuneration Exempt Disability Parking Placard - in 2018. This bill created a remuneration-exempt identifying placard that exempts an individual with a disability from paying for parking if the disability limits the individual in specific ways. The bill also repeals existing authority for a person with a disability to park without paying.
Previous Council Action:
In 2006, the existing Ordinance regarding paying for parking at metered spaces was updated by City Council. Language was removed from the prior Ordinance in an attempt to clarify which vehicles were required to pay for parking.
Financial Implications:
There will likely be a small increase in revenue received from the parking meters due to more vehicles paying for metered parking. Vehicles are currently cited for failure to pay the meter at any location, so there is not expected to be an increase in citations written for these violations.
City Council Appointed Board/Commission/Committee Recommendation:
Stakeholder Process:
The Colorado Springs Office of Accessibility is in agreement with the changes to the Ordinance.
Leave the City Code unchanged, which would lead to continued confusion regarding requirements as to who is required to pay the meter.
Recommended Action
Proposed Motion:
Move approval of an ordinance amending Section 104 (Deposit of Coins or Tokens; Time Limits; Prohibitions) of Article 15 Parking Meter Regulations) of Chapter 10 (Motor Vehicles and Traffic) of the Code of the City of Colorado Springs 2001, as amended, pertaining to remuneration-exempt identifying placard
Summary of Ordinance Language
An ordinance amending Section 104 (Deposit of Coins or Tokens; Time Limits; Prohibitions) of Article 15 Parking Meter Regulations) of Chapter 10 (Motor Vehicles and Traffic) of the Code of the City of Colorado Springs 2001, as amended, pertaining to remuneration-exempt identifying placard