Ordinance No. 16-44 amending the zoning map of the City of Colorado Springs pertaining to 14.44 acres located northwest of South Rockrimmon Boulevard and Delmonico Drive from OC/CR/PUD/HS/SS to PUD/SS. Quasi-Judicial
Rachel Teixeira, Planner, Land Use Review
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning and Community Development
Applicant: N.E.S., Inc.
Owner: Park 5th Avenue Development Company LLC.
Location: Northwest corner of South Rockrimmon Boulevard and Delmonico Drive
There are two applications as part of this proposal:
1. Zone Change (File No. CPC PUZ 15-00092)
2. Development Plan (File No. CPC PUD 15-00093)
The applicant is requesting a zone change and an accompanying development plan for the vacant 14.44 acre site. The zone change ordinance will change the zoning of the site from OC/CR/PUD/HS/SS (Office Complex with Conditions of Record and Planned Unit Development with Hillside and Streamside Overlays) to PUD/SS (Planned Unit Development with Streamside Overlay). The development plan proposes 76 lots (38 residential duplex buildings totaling 76 attached single family units) and three public roads.
Previous Council Action:
On March 22, 2016, City Council approved this ordinance on first reading.
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These two applications propose to develop a vacant, 14.44 acre site into 76 single-family attached (duplex) units with dedicated open space and drainage area.
The zone change modifies the current PUD/HS/SS (Planned Unit Development with Hillside and Streamside Overlays: Condominium Apartment; 35-foot maximum building height; 20 dwelling units/acre) zone to PUD/SS (Planned Unit Development with Streamside Overlay: Single-Family Attached (Duplex); 35-foot maximum building height; 12 dwelling units/acre) zone. The change of zoning also eliminates the Hillside Overlay for this relatively flat property. The zone change proposal reduces the number of residential units and the intensity of the development from the original 1980 zoning ordinance.
The Wildgrass development plan illustrates 38 single-family attached (duplex) structures and incorporates three, internal public street and two access points off of Delmonico Drive. It also has 24,392 square foot of open space and a detention pond, both owned and maintained by the Wildgrass Home Owners Association. The site plan illustrates the mining air shaft, located near Lot 15, within the southeastern corner of the property. Mitigation measures have been noted under Note #5 to represent potential subsidence hazards near the air shaft and also provide for mitigation measures for the property.
The site plan also includes a future urban trail (within Tract C) along the southern edge of the property which is part of the Parks Master Plan and deeded to the City for utility, drainage and trail purposes. The plan illustrates the portion of raised median to be removed for the installation of a 120 foot left turn lane and a 50 foot taper with lane restriping. This is to allow for southern access into the development from the existing median along Delmonico Boulevard.
The lot layout and internal roads will be reviewed in accordance with City Code when the final plat is submitted for review.
This item supports the City’s strategic goal relating to building community and collaborative relationships. The project will provide housing needs of a growing community within the City.
Important: A full description includes the statement “This item supports the City’s strategic goal relating to (select one: promoting job creation; investing in infrastructure; building community and collaborative relationships; excelling at City services). Add one sentence describing how the item addresses the selected strategic goal.
Financial Implications:
Board/Commission Recommendation:
The City Planning Commission voted 9-0 to approve the zone change and development plan on its consent calendar on February 18, 2016.
Stakeholder Process:
The public process involved with the zone change and development plan applications included both posting the site with a poster and mailing postcards to 202 property owners within 1,000 feet of the subject property at the time of the submittal as well as prior to the City Planning Commission hearing. No written correspondence was received and no neighborhood meetings were held pertaining to this project.
The two applications were sent to the standard internal and external agencies for review and comment. Review agencies for this project included Colorado Springs Utilities, Traffic Engineering, City Engineering, Fire Prevention, Enumerations, Floodplain, Real Estate Services, and Colorado Geological Survey (CGS). All review comments have been addressed except for comments from the Landscape Architect which are minor informational modifications to the development plan.
After the City Planning Commission meeting, City Planning Staff was contacted via e-mail by a concerned property owner with concerns pertaining to traffic and geo-hazard issues. (FIGURE 1) Staff held a meeting with the concerned resident to go over his concerns with the project.
1. Uphold the action of the City Planning Commission;
2. Modify the decision of the City Planning Commission;
3. Reverse the action of the City Planning Commission; or
4. Refer the matter back to the City Planning Commission for further consideration.
Recommended Action
Proposed Motion:
Approve an ordinance changing the zoning of 14.44 acres located northwest of South Rockrimmon Boulevard and Delmonico Drive from OC/CR/HS/SS and PUD/HS/SS to PUD/SS (Planned Unit Development - Single-Family Attached; 35-foot maximum building height; 12 dwelling units/acre with Streamside Overlay) based upon the findings that the change of zoning request complies with the three (3) criteria for granting of zone changes as set forth in City Code Section 7.5.603(B) and the criteria for the establishment and development of a PUD zone as set forth in City Code Section 7.3.603.
Summary of Ordinance Language
An ordinance amending the zoning map of the City of Colorado Springs pertaining to 14.44 acres located northwest of South Rockrimmon Boulevard and Delmonico Drive from OC/CR/PUD/HS/SS (Office Complex with Conditions of Record and Planned Unit Development - Condominium Apartment; 35-foot maximum building height; 20 dwelling units/acre with Hillside and Streamside Overlays) to PUD/SS (Planned Unit Development - Single-Family Attached (Duplex); 35-foot maximum building height; 12 dwelling units/acre with Streamside Overlay).