A Resolution to Amend Resolution No. 131-20 Modifying the 2021 Basin Fees to Include a New Gold Hill Mesa Drainage Basin as a Closed Basin
Richard Mulledy, P.E., Stormwater Enterprise Manager, Stormwater Enterprise
Erin Powers, P.E., Senior Engineer, Stormwater Enterprise
The Colorado Springs/El Paso County Drainage Board at their January 21, 2021, meeting approved a recommendation to City Council to approve a new Gold Hill Mesa Drainage Basin as a closed basin, as shown on the attached fee schedule (Exhibit A).
The Drainage Board’s recommendation to create a new basin is based on the recent adoption of the 2021 Gold Hill Mesa Drainage Basin Planning Study (DBPS). The Gold Hill Mesa DBPS was prepared by Terra Nova Engineering, Inc. as a new study within the City of Colorado Springs.
The area included in the study, previously part of the existing Miscellaneous Basin, is entirely composed of the Gold Hill Mesa subdivision and development.
Infrastructure deemed to be reimbursable by the Drainage Board was constructed, and the cost of said infrastructure exceeded the fees that would be paid by the development according to the calculations in the Gold Hill Mesa DBPS. The Drainage Board recommends approving a new Gold Hill Mesa Drainage Basin as a closed basin, with an associated drainage fee of $0 per acre.
Previous Council Action:
On December 8, 2020, the City Council approved Resolution No. 131-20 (Exhibit B) establishing the 2021 Drainage Basin Fees, Bridge Fees, and Detention Pond Facility and Land Fees. The approved 2021 Fee Schedule did not include a Gold Hill Mesa Basin.
Financial Implications:
Drainage fees are paid by developers and are used to reimburse other developers who construct drainage improvements. These basin fees are not utilized by the City of Colorado Springs for drainage infrastructure, maintenance, or improvements. The revenue and expenditures for drainage fees are tracked in a separate fund. There is no impact to the General Fund.
City Council Appointed Board/Commission/Committee Recommendation:
The Colorado Springs/El Paso County Drainage Board, at their March 4, 2021, meeting approved a recommendation to approve a new Gold Hill Mesa Drainage Basin as a closed basin, as shown on the attached fee schedule (Exhibit A).
Stakeholder Process:
There was no public comment on the item presented at the Drainage Board meeting.
Do not approve a new Gold Hill Mesa Basin within the City of Colorado Springs.
Recommended Action
Proposed Motion:
City staff is bringing forward the recommendation of the Drainage Board, which was to approve a new Gold Hill Mesa Drainage Basin as a closed basin, as shown on the attached fee schedule (Exhibit A).
Move to approve the Resolution.
Summary of Ordinance Language