A PUD concept plan for 46.754 acres located at the southwest corner of W Fillmore St and Centennial Blvd for a multi-family development.
Related Files: CPC MPA 04-00043-A9MJ22, CPC PUZ 22-00052
Caleb Jackson, AICP, Senior Planner, Planning and Community Development
Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning and Community Development
Owner: Camel Rock Holdings LLC, Don Hare
Representative: NES, Andrea Barlow
Location: Southwest corner of W Fillmore Street at Centennial Boulevard
The master plan amendment revises the designation on the northern part of the property from Community Commercial and Office to Residential (12-16.99 du/ac). The proposed zone change would remove the existing PUD/SS (Planned Unit Development: Commercial with Streamside Overlay) and OC (Office Commercial) zoning to bring the entire site under one zoning designation, PUD/SS (Planned Unit Development: Residential, maximum density of 8 du/ac, maximum height of 55’, with Streamside Overlay). The proposed PUD concept plan illustrates the intended multi-family development of the site.
The application includes a major amendment to the Hill Properties Master Plan to change 17 acres from Community Commercial and 5 acres from Office to 22 acres of Residential (12-16.99 du/ac), a zone change of 35.65 acres zoned PUD/SS (Planned Unit Development: Commercial with Streamside Overlay) and 11.18 acres zoned OC (Office Complex) to PUD/SS (Planned Unit Development: Residential, maximum density of 8 du/ac, maximum height of 55’, with Streamside Overlay), and a PUD Concept Plan for 46.83 acres for a multi-family development. The site is undeveloped and features typical dryland vegetation on most of the site and more riparian vegetation in spots along Mesa Creek which flows through some of the western portions of the site. The northern area of the site generally slopes from the northeast to the south and west with significant slopes approaching Mesa Creek. The southern area of the site features a rise that slopes down in all directions with significant slopes to the east towards Centennial Blvd and the west towards Mesa Creek.
The Hill Properties Master Plan, originally adopted in 2004, applies to the northern 35.65 acres of the site. The master plan identifies 17 acres of Community Commercial, 5 acres of Office, and 14.1 acres of Private Open Space on the subject site. The Community Commercial and Office areas are proposed to change to Residential (12-16.99 du/ac). The Private Open Space would remain. A land use master plan establishes the envisioned land use designations and configuration within the project area. The accompanying exhibit illustrates the area proposed for reclassification. The proposed amendment conforms to the comprehensive plan, creates additional integration of land uses in the area, provides additional housing options, has adequate public facilities, and services, and preserves environmental features. For the reasons stated above, staff finds that the proposed master plan major amendment meets the review criteria as set forth in City Code Section 7.5.408.
To allow the proposed development, the applicant has provided a zone change application. The proposed zoning is PUD/SS (Planned Unit Development: Residential, maximum density of 8 du/ac, maximum height of 55’, with Streamside Overlay). Additional development standards would be established at the time of a future development plan, and an associated concept plan application has been provided. The proposed zoning would allow residential density consistent with the proposed major amendment to the Hill Properties Master Plan and the comprehensive plan, and the application is not detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience, or general welfare. For the reasons stated above, staff finds that the proposed PUD zone change meets the review criteria for granting zone changes as set forth in City Code Section 7.5.603(B) as well as the criteria for establishment of a PUD zone district as set for in City Code Section 7.3.603.
As required by City Code Section 7.3.605, a PUD zone change shall be accompanied by a concept plan to show the overall conceptual intent for the development. The concept plan is a schematic representation of intended development and final details would be established with a future development plan application. The provided concept plan provides intended bulk standards and envisions 360 multi-family units, with densities complying with the proposed major amendment to the Hill Properties Master Plan and zone change. The concept plan also illustrates intended access points, parking areas, and open spaces. The development pattern and use are consistent with the comprehensive plan and surrounding area. For the reasons stated above, staff finds that the proposed concept plan meets the review criteria for concept plans as set forth in City Code Section 7.5.501.E and for PUD concept plans as set forth in City Code Section 7.3.605.
PlanCOS is a high level and visionary document. Although PlanCOS purposefully does not include site-specific map-based recommendations regarding land use there are multiple areas of alignment between the Plan and the proposal. The PlanCOS Vision Map, Areas of Capacity and Change, and Vibrant Neighborhoods Framework identifies the site as part of a Changing Neighborhood. There is a stated assumption in PlanCOS that land use change and adaptation should be recognized and reasonably supported both in existing development and with approved but not yet fully developed plans. The site is also proximate to an identified Activity Center, and the addition of multi-family would support activity at this location. The Majestic Landscapes Framework shows Mesa Creek as a Complete Urban Creek and the site as an area of Natural Resources and Regional Recreation, which is supported by the proposed open space preservation and Streamside Overlay.
The following goals are applicable to the subject application:
Vibrant Neighborhoods
Goal VN-2 Strive for a diversity of housing types, styles, and price points distributed throughout our city through a combination of supportive development standards, community partnerships, and appropriate zoning and density that is adaptable to market demands and housing needs.
Unique Places
Goal UP-2 Embrace thoughtful, targeted, and forward-thinking changes in land use, infill, reinvestment, and redevelopment to respond to shifts in demographics, technology, and the market.
Thriving Economy
Goal TE-4 Focus on productively developing and redeveloping areas already in, nearby, or surrounded by the city in order to preserve open spaces, maximize investments in existing infrastructure, limit future maintenance costs, and reduce the impacts of disinvestment in blighted areas.
Majestic Landscapes
Goal ML-4 Provide stewardship for our majestic natural landscapes through improved preservation, resource conservation, air quality, and protection of our viewsheds.
The subject application provides additional multi-family housing in this neighborhood, responding to a market need with an infill project. Located on a site largely surrounded by development, the project would make efficient use of existing infrastructure. Additionally, the project would preserve land along Mesa Creek in private open space. It is the finding of the Planning and Community Development Department that the major amendment to the Hill Properties Master Plan substantially conforms to the PlanCOS goals and objectives.
Previous Council Action:
A zone change and PUD concept plan application in 2004 established the current PUD (Planned Unit Development: Commercial) on the northern 35.65 acres. The southern 11.18 acres were zoned to OC (Office Complex) in 2015.
Financial Implications:
A Fiscal Impact Analysis (FIA) is required for all major amendments of a master plan and is completed by the City Budget Office. The FIA was completed April 21, 2022. The fiscal review criteria of the City Code states city costs related to infrastructure and service levels shall be determined for a ten-year time horizon for the appropriate municipal funds which is standard FIA modeling by the City Budget Office. The result of the FIA is a negative cumulative cash flow over the course of ten years, which is common for residential development (see attached FIA). However, as the applicant has noted, additional considerations could impact the actual fiscal impacts and when considering the master plan area as a whole, there is a positive fiscal impact.
City Council Appointed Board/Commission/Committee Recommendation:
City Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the application at their meeting on June 16, 2022 ,by a vote of 5:0:3:0.
Stakeholder Process:
Upon submittal, the site was posted, and postcards were sent to all 121 property owners within 1000 feet of the subject property. Three residents provided letters of concern or opposition (see attached Public Comment) and a response from the applicant was provided to them (see attached Applicant Response Letter). The site was posted and postcards mailed to advertise the Planning Commission hearing, one additional letter was received (see Additional Public Comment) and nobody spoke at the hearing.
The applications were sent to the standard internal and external agencies for review and comment. Review agencies for this project included Colorado Geological Survey, City Budget Office, Colorado Springs Utilities, City Engineering, City Traffic, Police, Fire, Bicycle Planning, Floodplain Administrator, Forestry, Streamside, Parks & Recreation, Enumerations, USPS, Street Maintenance, SWENT (Stormwater), Comcast, and Street Naming. Review comments received have been addressed.
1. Uphold the action of the City Planning Commission;
2. Modify the decision of the City Planning Commission;
3. Reverse the action of the City Planning Commission; or
4. Refer the matter back to the City Planning Commission for further consideration.
Recommended Action
Proposed Motion:
Approve a PUD concept plan for a multi-family development, based upon the finding that the PUD concept plan meets the review criteria for a PUD concept plan as set forth in City Code Section 7.3.605.
Summary of Ordinance Language