A Resolution Approving an Agreement to Annex and to Provide Water and Wastewater Service Outside the City Limits to 5180 Topaz Drive in Park Vista Estates Addition
Todd Sturtevant, Manager, Customer Utilities Connections
Travas Deal, Chief Executive Officer, Colorado Springs Utilities
Owners of 5180 Topaz Drive, which is a developed property with an existing single-family residence located outside City limits, have requested Colorado Springs Utilities (Springs Utilities) water service. Springs Utilities is bringing forward a proposed resolution that would approve an Agreement to Annex and provide water and wastewater service outside the City limits to the subject property.
The property is located within the Park Vista Estates subdivision, which is an enclave of the City generally located north and east of Barnes Road and Austin Bluffs Pkwy. In accordance with City Code 7.5.701.J. Service Without Annexation, the City may provide water and wastewater services upon approval of City Council through an Agreement to Annex executed by the property owner. On September 27, 2023, with a 7-1 vote (Board Member Henjum was excused), Utilities Board made a recommendation of approval in accordance with City Code section 12.3.405 to extend water service to a property not presently located within the existing City limits.
Previous Council Action:
City Council has approved Agreements to Annex and/or provision of water and/or wastewater services to this area since 1978.
Financial Implications:
Revenue and costs would be nominal.
City Council Appointed Board/Commission/Committee Recommendation:
Stakeholder Process:
On September 27, 2023, with a 7-1 vote (Board Member Henjum was excused), Utilities Board recommended bringing the proposed Resolution to City Council for consideration.
(1) Approve the Resolution approving an Agreement to Annex and to Provide Water and Wastewater Service Outside the City limits to 5180 Topaz Drive in Park Vista Estates;
(2) Not approve the Resolution.
Recommended Action
Proposed Motion:
Motion for City Council to approve the Resolution approving an Agreement to Annex and to Provide Water and Wastewater Service Outside the City limits to 5180 Topaz Drive in Park Vista Estates Addition.
Summary of Ordinance Language