A Resolution Regarding Certain Changes to the Natural Gas Service Boundary across Sterling Ranch.
Travas Deal, Chief Executive Officer, Colorado Springs Utilities
Todd Sturtevant, Manager, Customer Utilities Connections
Springs Utilities is bringing forward a proposed Resolution regarding certain changes to Colorado Springs Utilities’ natural gas service boundary across Sterling Ranch.
The current service boundary across Sterling Ranch does not follow the platted and soon to be platted parcel borders. In response to the developer’s request for a practical natural gas utility service boundary, Springs Utilities and Black Hills Colorado Gas, Inc. (Black Hills) successfully worked together to agree upon revisions to their respective natural gas service boundaries. The requested boundary change is acceptable to both Springs Utilities and Black Hills. Per City Charter 6-70 and City Code 7.5.701, City Council establishes Springs Utilities’ “extension policies”, including the establishment of Springs Utilities’ service territory boundaries, by resolution. As the affected territory is outside of the City’s municipal boundary, finalizing this boundary changes also requires Colorado Public Utilities Commission approval.
Previous Council Action:
Financial Implications:
Revenue impacts would be nominal.
City Council Appointed Board/Commission/Committee Recommendation:
Stakeholder Process:
On October 18, 2023, this item was presented to Utilities Board for a vote on whether to recommend bringing the proposed Resolution to City Council on November 14, 2023, for consideration.
(1) Approve the Resolution Regarding Certain Changes to Colorado Springs Utilities’ Natural Gas Service Boundary across Sterling Ranch;
(2) Not approve the Resolution.
Recommended Action
Proposed Motion:
Motion for City Council to approve the Resolution Regarding Certain Changes to Colorado Springs Utilities’ Natural Gas Service Boundary across Sterling Ranch.
Summary of Ordinance Language