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File #: CPC CP 20-00117    Version: Name: Rio Vista Commercial
Type: Planning Case Status: Passed
File created: 12/1/2020 In control: City Council
On agenda: 1/26/2021 Final action: 1/26/2021
Title: A Concept Plan for the Rio Vista Commercial project located at 4250 Rio Vista Drive. (Quasi-Judicial) Related Files: CPC ZC 20-00116 and CPC CP 20-00117 Presenter: Daniel Sexton, Principal Planner, Planning & Community Development Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning & Community Development
Attachments: 1. Concept Plan Project Statement, 2. Concept Plan, 3. 7.5.501.E Concept Plans
Related files: CPC ZC 20-00116



A Concept Plan for the Rio Vista Commercial project located at 4250 Rio Vista Drive.




Related Files:  CPC ZC 20-00116 and CPC CP 20-00117



Daniel Sexton, Principal Planner, Planning & Community Development

Peter Wysocki, Director, Planning & Community Development




Owner: Col-Terra Investments IX c/o Delorme Management

Developer: The Staenberg Group

Representative: Redland

Location: 4250 Rio Vista Drive


The project includes concurrent applications for a zone change and concept plan. The zone change request would change the current zoning from PUD/AO (Planned Unit Development with an Airport Overlay) to PBC/AO (Planned Business Center with Airport Overlay). The concept plan for Rio Vista Commercial illustrates the lot layout for a six lot subdivision and establishes envisioned land uses for the development.



The Applicant’s zone change request will rezone the 7.38-acre project site from multi-family PUD/AO (Planned Unit Development with an Airport Overlay) to PBC/AO (Planned Business Center with an Airport Overlay). (See” Zone Change Exhibit” attachment) The property was originally zoned PUD in 1973. There was no development plan or concept plan required with the PUD at that time. The only information in the zoning ordinance is that the permitted use was to be multi-family. Per City Code Section 7.3.202(C) PBC - Planned Business Center, this zone district accommodates commercial land uses and preserves and enhances areas for a range of retail sales and service establishments.  With this conversion to PBC, the rezone is in conformance with the established and developing land use pattern for the immediate area. The property is located in an area primarily developed with commercial uses, including retail stores and restaurants type uses; therefore, the envisioned uses on the site fit within the overall land use pattern of the project. The 17.7 acres directly to the south was approved for multi-family in May of 2020. This is the Crown at Rio Vista project with an approved development plan for 285 apartment units. Again, the rezoning of this 7.38 acres to PBC will complement the surrounding commercial uses as well as the approved multi-family planned to be constructed on the remaining 17.7 acres of PUD to the direct south.  


The Rio Vista Concept Plan (see “Concept Plan” attachment) illustrates a lot layout for a six lot subdivision and establishes that the future land uses will be those as permitted and/or conditional in the PBC (Planned Business Center) zone district per City Code Section 7.3.203. Access to the Rio Vista commercial development will be via a full movement access (Ventana View) from Rio Vista Drive. Ajax Heights is currently shown as a right-in/right-out off of Barns Road into the site. A future traffic study will determine if this access will remain as a right-in right-out or be converted to a right-out only. More detail on this secondary access and timing of traffic improvements can be found in the traffic section of this report.


The six commercial lots, as depicted, will provide for pedestrian and vehicular access through the site. A water quality area is also shown as a tract within the development. More detail on the treatments for the buffers and internal circulation will be provided with the future development plans for each lot.


The City’s Traffic Engineering Division of Public Works (herein referenced as “Traffic”) has requested a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) with the future development plan that will allow further analysis of the access location directly off of Barnes Road and any other required roadway improvements. Depending on development and expected associated traffic counts, Traffic will determine what movement will allow at this access (possible right-out only). There was also a traffic study done in early 2020 that accompanied the Crown Point Apartments which studied the traffic counts along Rio Vista Drive and at the intersection of Rio Vista Drive and Barnes Road. That study did assume commercial development for this 7+ acres. That previously accepted study illustrates that the surrounding roadways, as well as the stop-controlled intersection, are functioning at acceptable levels but does acknowledge the need for a future signal at the Barnes Road and Rio Vista Drive intersection. The developer is required to remit the amount of $75,000 for the future anticipated traffic signal at the intersection of Barnes Road and Rio Vista Drive. This note as well as a note related to the future access analysis has been added to the concept plan.


The concept plan illustrates a water quality and detention area in a tract at the southeast corner of the site. The City’s Water Resources Engineering Division of Public Works (herein referenced as “SWENT”) has reviewed the concept plan and accompanying preliminary drainage report, prepared by Redland. They note that the current preliminary pond design includes a series of retaining walls that may require a variance to the Drainage Criteria Manual. Because the plan and the pond design are currently conceptual in nature, SWENT has agreed that any final pond design and variance request can be made with the future development plan application. The applicant understands that a variance to the Drainage Criteria Manual is not guaranteed and that the ultimate pond design may change. The applicant and developer are confident that the final design will meet the Criteria Manual and not require that variance. 


The project applications have been evaluated for conformance with the City’s current comprehensive plan (herein referred to as “PlanCOS”), adopted in January 2019. According to PlanCOS, the project site is identified as an Established Suburban Neighborhood. (see “PlanCOS Vision Map” attachment) The Rio Vista project is consistent with one of the core values of PlanCOS, which reinforces the important of encouraging the mixing of uses through infill development proposals. One of the “Big Ideas” in the Vibrant Neighborhoods Chapter 2 of PlanCOS is entitled “Reclaim Neighborhood Space”, which has goal VN-3: that states:


“Through neighborhood plans, associations, and partnerships, empower neighborhoods to reinvest in order to create community, vibrancy, and to address their specific vision and needs.”


A policy for this goal further reinforces that development should “Encourage and support the integration of mixed-use development in neighborhoods.” Adaptive and responsive land use change is one of the core values of PlanCOS. Based on staff’s analysis of the proposal and surrounding land use pattern, which consists of commercial uses, the proposed uses are well-suited for the area. (See “Context Map”)


The project supports the City’s Strategic plan of building community and collaborative relationships through the infill development of a vacant parcel along Barnes Road with a complimentary commercial project. The development of additional commercial land uses in this area will support existing land uses in the area and create new employment opportunities that strengthen the Colorado Springs economy.


  Previous Council Action:

City Council previously took action on this property in 1973 when the property was zoned.


  Financial Implications:



  City Council Appointed Board/Commission/Committee Recommendation:

At the City Planning Commission meeting held on December 17, 2020, the project applications were considered under the Consent Agenda. Without discussion, Planning Commission voted unanimously 7-0-2 (with Commissioners Graham and Raughton absent) to approve the project applications.


  Stakeholder Process:

The public notification process consisted of providing notice to surrounding homeowners association and adjacent property owners within 1,000 feet of the site, which included the mailing of postcards to 231 property owners on two occasions: during the internal review and prior to the Planning Commission hearing. The site was also posted during the two occasions noted above. City Planning staff received two emails objecting to the proposal due to traffic, land use, and decreased of property values. (see “Public Comments” attachment)


Staff sent copies of the plans and supporting documentation to the standard internal and external review agencies for comments. Commenting agencies included Colorado Springs Utilities, City Airport, City Engineering, City Traffic, City Fire, City SWENT, City Parks, Council of Neighborhood Organizations (CONO), Police, and E-911. All comments received from the review agencies have been addressed. City Planning staff notes that the following review agencies provided project specific comments:


Ø                     City Traffic - The Applicant was required to submit a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) to analyze access locations and future roadway improvements with the submittal of a development plan.


Ø                     City Engineering Development Review - Even though this property is not located in the Hillside Overlay or West of I-25, a Geologic Hazard Report will be required due to all the retaining walls being proposed on-site and the steep slopes adjacent to the proposed detention pond and Rio Vista Drive.


Ø                     City SWENT - The engineer has noted that the retaining walls do not meet the requirements in the City’s Drainage Criteria Manual (DCM) Volume 1 Chapter 13, specifically the requirement that the walls can’t exceed 50% of the circumference and the footer must be above the Water Quality Capture Volume (WQCV) and Excess Urban Runoff Volume (EURV) pond elevation. A variance will need to be submitted for the current water quality area defined on the concept plan at the time of the development plan and final plat submittal.



1.                     Uphold the action of the City Planning Commission;

2.                     Modify the decision of the City Planning Commission;

3.                     Reverse the action of the City Planning Commission; or

4.                     Refer the matter back to the City Planning Commission for further consideration.


Recommended Action

  Proposed Motion:

CPC CP 20-00117

Approve the concept plan for the Rio Vista Commercial project, based upon the findings that the request meets the review criteria for granting a concept plan, as set forth in City Code Section 7.5.501(E).


Summary of Ordinance Language


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