Informational presentation of the Southeast Strong Community Plan, the first community planning project proposed under the PlanCOS key initiative for a Neighborhood Planning Program.
Located in Council District 4.
Page Saulsbury, Planner II, City Planning Department
Kevin Walker, Planning Director, City Planning Department
The Southeast Strong Community Plan (Plan) the first community planning project proposed under the PlanCOS key initiative for a Neighborhood Planning Program details priorities, goals, and strategies related to mobility, economic development, and housing among other determinants identified through locally-informed, public input processes. The Plan is tactical and advisory and will help guide efforts and efficient use of public and community-based resources to maximize the success of our neighborhoods. The Plan represents a City-community partnership and is a derivative of the PlanCOS Vibrant Neighborhoods key initiative for neighborhood planning.
The Council adopted PlanCOS includes goals for neighborhood and corridor revitalization as well as an emphasis on maximizing opportunities and continuing to address challenges in the southeast areas of the City.
The planning area is geographically between Interstate 25 and Powers Blvd. with a northern boundary of Fountain Blvd and the City boundary to the south along Milton E Proby Pkwy and includes six PlanCOS neighborhoods: Spring Creek, Pikes Peak Park North, Pikes Peak Park South, Southborough, Deerfield Hills, and Soaring Eagle. Map of Community Plan area: <https://coloradosprings.gov/document/plan4aadjusted6202107132022.pdf>
A recommendation for adoption by the Planning Commission is expected on February 12, 2025. A City Council hearing is scheduled for hearing and on the 25th of February 2025, by resolution.
A presentation to City Council in March of 2022, by the Planning Department, proposed a plan of action to re-initiate a systematic neighborhood planning program consistent with the recommendations of PlanCOS. Neighborhood Planning Program is one of the important initiatives of PlanCOS as “Effective and viable small area and neighborhood land use plans are essential for implementation of the PlanCOS vision. PlanCOS sets the overall vision and framework, but neighborhood plans are necessary to apply this larger vision in a practical manner.” Community Plans “allow planning and implementation at scale that can address the unique characteristics and needs of different areas of the city.”
The Southeast Strong Community Plan is the first community planning project proposed under this Neighborhood Planning Program. The Southeast Strong Community Plan priorities leverage smart growth and support livability in line with PlanCOS goals. Robust implementation will include promoting diverse cultural resources, encourage walkability, support safety initiatives, develop equitably and incrementally, and redevelop to more present-day development standards. - community planning for neighborhoods.
The Southeast Strong Community Plan is well aligned with the City’s Strategic Plan which aims to plan for the future to motivate stimulate flourishing communities and promote safe, economically prosperous, culturally rich, and welcoming neighborhoods ensuring that residents are not marginalized.
Link to the draft Southeast Strong Community Plan on the City website: <https://coloradosprings.gov/SEcommunityplan>
Link to the Southeast Health Assessment, a health assessment for the area completed in 2020 an updated in 2023: <https://coloradosprings.gov/system/files/2023-10/se_cos_healthy_people_and_places_asessment_updated.pdf>
Previous Council Action:
City Council has previously approved a number of planning documents relative to the Southeast Strong Plan area in Colorado Springs. In 2011 City Council approved the Academy Boulevard Corridor Great Streets Plan a Multi-Modal Transportation and Transit Readiness Plan and Land Use Vision Plan. The South Academy Economic Opportunity Zone Action Plan was approved in 2014. In 2015 Council was presented the Hancock Expressway / Academy Boulevard Planning and Environmental Linkages Study. PlanCOS, the City’s Comprehensive Plan, was approved by City Council in 2019 identifying this area in the southeast as an activity center for reinvestment and community hub planning.
Financial Implications:
City Council Appointed Board/Commission/Committee Recommendation:
The Plan was endorsed by the Southeast Strong Steering Committee January 14th, 2025.
Stakeholder Process:
The Southeast Strong Community Plan was informed by numerous official City Plans all of which included significant stakeholder involvement. Additionally, different stages of Plan creation included a variety of opportunities for public input including:
• A review of southeast focus data from ten City initiated surveys from 2015 - 2020 and a draft Southeast Strong Community Plan survey with 69 individual respondents from October-November 2024.
• Eight Southeast Strong Steering Committee stakeholder meetings and charrettes were held with area leadership and resident participation.
• Numerous one-on-one interviews were held by the project team.
• A public workshop with over 70 attendees was held in October of 2024 to discuss and review the community’s priorities related to the draft Plan.
• Targeted focus area events, communication, and social media promotion were organized gaining participation including area advocacy groups such as RISE Southeast and Colorado Springs School District 2.
The City issued a press releases in both English and Spanish announcing the draft plan and publicized the opportunities for public input; additional announcements will promote the formal public hearings.
Recommended Action
Proposed Motions:
Summary of Ordinance Language