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File #: MAPN-22-0007    Version: 1 Name: Powerwood 2 Master Plan
Type: Resolution Status: Mayor's Office
File created: 3/27/2023 In control: City Council
On agenda: 5/9/2023 Final action: 5/9/2023
Title: A resolution of the City Council of the City of Colorado Springs, Colorado approving a major amendment to the Powerwood 2 Master Plan, located southwest of the intersection of Tutt Boulevard and Sorpresa Lane, changing the land use designation from General Business to Multi-Family Residential with 7.5-12 dwelling units per acre Legislative Presenter: Gabe Sevigny, Planning Supervisor, Planning and Community Development Peter Wysocki, Planning Director, Planning and Community Development
Attachments: 1. Resolution, 2. CPC Staff Report, 3. Project Statement, 4. Master Plan Amendment, 5. Aerial, 6. Surrounding Uses, 7. Financial Impact Analysis, 8. 7.5.408 Master Plan, 9. Staff Presentation, 10. Signed Resolution No. 70-23.pdf



A resolution of the City Council of the City of Colorado Springs, Colorado approving a major amendment to the Powerwood 2 Master Plan, located southwest of the intersection of Tutt Boulevard and Sorpresa Lane, changing the land use designation from General Business to Multi-Family Residential with 7.5-12 dwelling units per acre





Gabe Sevigny, Planning Supervisor, Planning and Community Development

Peter Wysocki, Planning Director, Planning and Community Development




Owner: Village at Cottonwood Creek LLC

Developer: Galloway

Location: 7629 Rustic Lane


This project proposes a major amendment to the Powerwood 2 master plan from General Business to Multi-Family Residential with 7.5-12 dwelling units per. The site is 25.70-acres and located southwest of the intersection of Tutt Boulevard and Sorpresa Lane



The 25.70-acre site is located southwest of the intersection of Tutt Boulevard and Sorpresa Lane. The proposed site was annexed into the Colorado Springs city limits October 2003 (CPC A 00-00250, Ordinance No. 03-177). The site was initially designated as A (Agricultural), CPC ZC 02-00253, Ordinance No. 03-178, which is allowed as a holding zone at annexation and then further required for specific zoning at time of development.


The subject site is identified in the Powerwood 2 master plan, the initial approval in December 2004 designating this site as Community Commercial, Neighborhood Commercial and Hospital/Long Term Care; an amendment to the master plan, a zone change to C-6-AO (General Commercial with Airport Overlay)  and concept plan, CPC MP 02-00254-A2MJ09, CPC ZC 09-00011, CPC CP 09-00012, respectfully, was approved January 2010, amending the subject site to allow for a mixture of commercial, assisted living, hotel, retail, and restaurant uses.


In August 2022, City Council approved another master plan amendment to the Powerwood 2 Master Plan, CPC MP 02-00254-A4-MJ22, a zone change to R-5-AO (Multi-Family Residential with Airport Overlay) Ordinance No. 22-53, and concept plan, CPC ZC 22-00011, allowing for multi-family residential development for the adjacent property north of the subject property. 


The parcels have remained undeveloped for any commercial, office, or industrial use, therefore the proposal is to change the designation in the master plan to multi-family residential.


The major master plan amendment proposes to remove the designation for general business and replace with multi-family residential with a density of 7.5-12 dwelling units per acre. The area proposed has been master planned to be a major internal access to serve these parcels and the parcels to the west. There are no requested changes to the configuration of access. As noted on the proposed master plan amendment, any future development shall be in conformance with the Powerwood 2 Annexation Agreement. The land use pattern is compatible with existing and proposed adjacent land uses as the immediate area is a mixture of multi-family and single-family detached residential.


There are portions of Rustic Lane within this master plan area and is owned and maintained by CDOT (Colorado Department of Transportation). Rustic lane would be required to be disposed of from CDOT prior to any development plan approval. For CDOT to dispose of this excess property, a new public road would need to be completed from Tutt Boulevard to the portion of Rustic Lane to the west that would not be disposed. This is required as the property to the west is owned by the City of Colorado Springs for future development of CSU infrastructure. Access is required to be granted to those parcels prior to disposition of Rustic Lane. Once the new public road is built, the applicant may proceed with CDOT’s requirements for disposition.


Staff has evaluated the proposed applications for conformance with the City’s current comprehensive plan (herein referred to as “PlanCOS”). According to PlanCOS, the project site is identified on the plan’s Vision map as Newer Developing Neighborhood. According to the Areas of Change map the project site is also identified in a high area of change and according to the Vibrant Neighborhoods Framework map the project site is identified within a Newer Developing Neighborhood. Specific policies of PlanCOS that are supported are listed below:


Policy VN-3.E:  Encourage and support the integration of mixed-use development in neighborhoods


Policy UP-4.A: Actively plan and encourage a development pattern consisting of unique centers located along new and redeveloped corridors and at other designated areas throughout the city.


Strategy UP-4.A-3: In conjunction with committed transit improvements, create and adopt new transit-oriented development and mixed use-supportive base zoning or overlays to support the continued development and redevelopment of key corridors and centers.


Strategy TE-4.A-4: Support greenfield development that includes mixed-use, higher-density clusters, and quality design


Goal UP-4: Strengthen our overall community identity and better serve the needs of residents and businesses within our large metropolitan area by developing active, unique, and connected centers and corridors.


Goal UP-5: Develop and support unique places and centers as models of resilience and sustainability.


Strategy TE-1. C-2: Support and leverage projects and initiatives with mixed uses, transit supported and walkable attributes to attract and retain a skilled workforce and business investment.


This proposal is a suburban infill development and offers housing within an already well established city center. The site is along the two major corridors: North Powers Boulevard and East Woodmen Road, which provide commercial centers in support of the new and redeveloped residential along these corridors. The over-all development will be defined as “multi-family,” but would be a singe-family detached, duplex, townhome design that is compatible and consistent with development within the area.


The proposal supports redevelopment, connectivity, attainable housing, and economic development by providing workforce housing in proximity to and connecting to multiple employment opportunities and neighborhood services located to the south and west of the proposed site. As PlanCOS identifies this area as a high area of change, there have been many developments in the area to include, but not limited to, The Townes at Cumbre Vista, The Creek at Cottonwood Apartments, Lodges at Black Forest, Woodmen Ridge Apartments, and Ascent by Watermark. 


City planning staff finds the Village at Cottonwood Creek project to be in substantial conformance with PlanCOS and its guidance.


  Previous Council Action:



  Financial Implications:

The City Budget Office has completed a Fiscal Impact Analysis on April 6, 2022 (see attachment “Fiscal Impact Analysis”). City Budget Office has determined a positive cashflow for the City during the 10-year timeframe. The general reason for the outcome is the Sales Use Tax revenue collected as a result of construction.


  City Council Appointed Board/Commission/Committee Recommendation:

City Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the application at their meeting on April 12, 2023, with Planning Commissioner Nadine Hensler absent.


  Stakeholder Process:

The public process involved posting the site and sending postcards on two separate occasions to 76 property owners within 1,000 feet on the initial submittal and 120 property owners within 1,000 feet prior to Planning Commission. The change to quantity is due to the vast development in the area while the project was under review. Staff received no emails in regards to this proposal with the initial submittal. Any correspondence provided before the hearing will be presented to the Planning Commission at time of hearing.


The applications were sent to the standard internal and external agencies for review and comment.  Review comments received have been addressed. Internal review agencies for this project included City Traffic, City Engineering, City Parks, City Fire Department and Police/E-911, Colorado Springs Utilities.



                     Stormwater Enterprise: This project required a Master Drainage Development Plan and Preliminary Drainage Report. SWENT (Stormwater Enterprise) has not approved these documents but have stated the MDDP is ready for final approvals, pending final signatures. Staff has recommended the Condition of Approval that prior to final approval of the master plan, the applicant receive necessary approvals from SWENT. The applicant will be required to submit a Final Drainage Report to Stormwater Enterprise (SWENT) at the time the development plan.

                     City Traffic Engineering: A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) was prepared in July 2022 by Y2K Engineering. City Traffic Engineering was sent a referral and agrees with the TIA findings and recommendations. Within the report Y2K Engineering states the development is anticipated to generate a total of 105 trips during the AM peak hour and 123 trips during the PM peak hour. Future access will be provided by 2 driveways. Driveway A will be to the north with access to a new east/west roadway to connect with Tutt Boulevard, and access B directly connecting to Tutt Boulevard and will be a right-in/right-out access only. In the 2023 and 2043 conditions, all approaches are expected to operate at acceptable service levels (LOS B or above).

                     Academy District 20 : The District is requesting fees in lieu of land dedication per the Colorado Springs City Code for all residential units developed within the Village at Cottonwood Creek

                     AAC (Airport): Heard the item at their April 27, 2022, meeting and recommended approval.

                     CDOT: Future development of the area will require disposal of portions of Rustic Lane. A east to west public road is required from Tutt Boulevard prior to any disposal. The applicant may proceed with the north portion of the site in order to secure approval of a development plan and plat necessary right-of-way to construct the road. Once completed the applicant may proceed with CDOT for disposal. Further development plans will be required for areas containing and area to the south of Rustic Lane.

                     Metro District: The project is located within the Woodmen Road Metropolitan District Service Area boundaries. The District assess’ platting and building permit fees for new development within the District Boundaries.



1.                     Approve the proposed major Master Plan amendment;

2.                     Deny the proposed major Master Plan amendment; or

4.                     Refer the matter back to the City Planning Commission for further consideration.


Recommended Action

  Proposed Motion:

Approve a resolution for a major amendment to the Powerwood 2 Master Plan for a change of land use designation from General Business to Multi-Family Residential with 7.5-12 dwelling units per acre, based upon the finding that the master plan amendment complies with the review criteria in City Code Section 7.5.408, with one (1) Condition of Approval:

1.                     Applicant will receive final approval from SWENT for the Master Drainage Development Plan (MDDP) prior to final approval of the Master Plan Amendment.


Summary of Ordinance Language


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