An appeal of City Planning Commission’s decision to approve a street name change from Imola Lane to Blamires Way for the entire street length from south of Farthing Drive to its terminus.
Peter Wysocki, Director Planning and Community Development
Lonna Thelen, Principal Planner, Planning and Community Development
Applicant/Owner: Eric Blamires
Consultant Representative: Eric Blamires
Location: Imola Lane
This is an appeal of City Planning Commission’s approval of a street name change from Imola Lane to Blamires Way. The appeal statement is attached as Exhibit 1.
Please note that “denial of the appeal” results in approval of the street name change; whereas “approval of the appeal” results in denial of the street name change.
Previous Council Action:
There are no previous applications.
A request for a street name changes must meet the criteria found in City Code 7.7.704.D.7. In addition, the request requires review and concurrence by City review agencies including City Engineering, Colorado Springs Police Department, Enumerations, City Streets Division, and City Traffic Engineering. Those agencies have reviewed the request and have no concerns with the change of street name from Imola Lane to Blamires Way. In this case, the only property addressed off of Imola Lane is the Blamires residence. No additional addresses will be required to be changed.
In order to clearly show that the criteria for a street name change are met, the street name change criteria and the street naming regulations were reviewed and presented to the City Planning Commission. Please reference the City Planning Commission staff report for the justification for each review criteria.
Staff has determined that the street name change from Imola Lane to Blamires Way meets the purpose of City Code. City Code does not require that the street be named after a person of honor, it does not prohibit someone from naming a street after them, nor does it require that the street meet a specific theme of a neighborhood (in this case Tuscan or Mediterranean). The name of Blamires Way will not negatively impact the health, safety, convenience and general welfare of citizens.
The City Planning Commission staff report includes additional maps and documentation to supplement the City Council memo.
The project supports the City’s Strategic plan of investing in infrastructure. The developer constructed Imola Lane to access his newly built home. The home is in a planned area and continues the buildout of the southwest part of Colorado Springs.
Financial Implications:
Board/Commission Recommendation:
At their meeting on June 20, 2019 the Planning Commission, as part of their new business calendar, voted 6-1 to approve the application (Aye: Hente, Raughton, Graham, Satchell-Smith, Rickett, Almy No: Eubanks).
Please reference the minutes from the hearing for a detailed record.
Stakeholder Process:
The public notification process for the associated applications consisted of providing notice to the neighbors by placing a poster for the project on site and sending postcards to 43 property owners within 1000-feet of the project site. The public comment received. The major concerns provided include: a street should be named after a person of honor, one person should not be able to name their street after themselves, the new street name does not fit the Tuscan or Mediterranean theme originally developed in this neighborhood, and in the case of an emergency this street may not be found due to the name change.
The application was sent to the standard internal and external agencies for review and comment. The review comments received have been addressed. Review agencies for this project included Engineering, Colorado Springs Police Department, Enumerations, United States Postal Service, Streets Division, Traffic, Peterson Airforce Base and the Colorado Springs Airport Advisory Committee.
Please see the Planning Commission staff report for more details.
1. Uphold the action of the City Planning Commission;
2. Modify the decision of the City Planning Commission;
3. Grant the appeal and reverse the action of the City Planning Commission - granting of the appeal will essentially deny the project as proposed; or
4. Refer the matter back to the City Planning Commission for further consideration Uphold the action of the City Planning Commission;
Recommended Action
Proposed Motion:
CPC SN 19-00045
Deny the appeal and uphold the City Planning Commission’s approval of the street name change from Imola Lane to Blamires Way, based upon the finding that the appeal did not meet the requirements of City Code Section 7.5.906.B and based upon the finding that the street name change complies with the review criteria in City Code Section 7.7.704.D.7.
Summary of Ordinance Language