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File #: CPC ZC 22-00126    Version: Name: Woodmen and Powers
Type: Ordinance Status: Mayor's Office
File created: 9/6/2022 In control: City Council
On agenda: 10/25/2022 Final action: 10/25/2022
Title: Ordinance No. 22-76 amending Ordinance 10-1 (An ordinance amending the zoning map of the City of Colorado Springs relating to 50.2 acres located southwest of North Powers Boulevard and East Woodmen Road) to delete condition of record No. 6 related to specific sign regulations on parcels 6312115009, 6312100021, 6312100023, 6312115001, 6312115007, 6312115008, and 6312116004 consisting of 21.38 acres Related File: CP 05-00100-6MN22 Presenter: Tamara Baxter, Senior Planner with Central Team, Planning & Community Development Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning and Community Development
Attachments: 1. ORD_ZC_Woodmen&Powers, 2. Exhibit A - Legal Desc, 3. Woodmen and Powers Crossing_TPB, 4. Ordinance 10-1, 5. CPC Staff Report_Woodmen and Powers, 6. Zone Change Exhibit, 7. Concept Plan Amendment, 8. Project Statement, 9. Context Map, 10. PlanCOS Vision Map, 11. CPC_Minutes_Consent_09.14.22, 12. 7.5.603.B Findings - ZC, 13. 7.3.507. PlannedProvisionalOverlayCR, 14. Signed Ordinance No. 22-76
Related files: CPC CP 05-00100-A6MN22



Ordinance No. 22-76 amending Ordinance 10-1 (An ordinance amending the zoning map of the City of Colorado Springs relating to 50.2 acres located southwest of North Powers Boulevard and East Woodmen Road) to delete condition of record No. 6 related to specific sign regulations on parcels 6312115009, 6312100021, 6312100023, 6312115001, 6312115007, 6312115008, and 6312116004 consisting of 21.38 acres


Related File: CP 05-00100-6MN22




Tamara Baxter, Senior Planner with Central Team, Planning & Community Development

Peter Wysocki, Director of Planning and Community Development




Owners: Colorado Springs ANUSA LLC, Duryea Enterprises 7355 LLC, Cossy LLP, Vaquero or Colorado Springs Partner LP, David D. Jenkins, and Marq LLC

Representative: Northwood Development Group

Location: Southwest corner of East Woodmen Road and North Powers Boulevard


The project includes concurrent applications for a zone change and minor concept plan amendment to remove signage restrictions for six (6) commercial properties, thus following the current City Code sign requirements and establish a Coordinate Sign Plan.  The zone change request changes the zoning from C-6/cr/AO (General Business with conditions of record and Airport Overlay) to C-6/cr/AO (General Business with conditions of record and Airport Overlay). 



In 2010, the Woodmen and Powers Crossing development, which consisted of 50.2 acres, was rezoned to C6/cr/AO (General Business with Conditions of Record and Airport Overlay). The conditions of record established six project specific development and signage standards. Specific to the current project applications, Condition of Record #6 identified the signage standards for this development which prohibited low profile signs, except for fuel prices signage, and allowed four pylon signs. As part of the accompanying concept plan for the Woodmen and Powers Crossing development, also approved in 2010, the conditions of record were stated and the following general note (#6) was established, which further clarified signage for the development and established three locations for pylon signs. It is unclear the location intent of the fourth pylon sign, as the location was not identified on the concept plan. 


The request amends the zoning on 21.31-acres of the larger 50.2-acre Woodmen and Powers Crossing to C-6/cr/AO (General Business with conditions of record and Airport Overlay) to remove a condition of record related to signage restrictions for six (6) commercial properties. The remaining properties in this development would continue to be subject to the sign requirements established in Condition of Record #6 of Ordinance 10-1. Conditions of Record 1-5 outlined in Ordinance 10-1 are still applicable to all properties within the development. 



The request to rezone the property to PBC/AO (Planned Business Center with Airport Overlay) will allow for the development of a future car wash, which is not a permitted use in the OC (Office Complex) Zone District. The envisioned car wash use is consistent with the automotive commercial developments to the north along North Carefree Circle, which consisting of a convenience food sale with gas sales (gas station) and retail use, which currently is an auto parts store. The surrounding uses provide an appropriate transition between the residential developments to the west and south. 


The consultant noted in the project statement that the premise of Condition of Record #6 in Ordinance 10-1 was based on the original intent to construct four (4) pylon signs. According to the consultant, those pylon signs are no longer planned to be constructed by the developer and some of the individual property owners in the Woodmen and Powers Crossing development expressed that it is more important to be allowed one small freestanding sign for their individual use. The only freestanding sign approved in 2010, per Ordinance 10-1 was for a low-profile fuel sign.  Also noted in the project statement, several of the properties are fully developed and have no need for freestanding signage. This statement does not clearly identify the parcels that have no need for freestanding signage, and the remaining two commercial parcels, as proposed, will not be able to apply for low-profile free-standing signs unless they go through a similar zone change and concept plan amendment.


In the project statement, the consultant indicated that all owners within this development were all contacted for authorization of the zone change request. The consultant noted that not all owners were interested and thus only the properties that responded are subject to the zone change request. Since not all properties in this development agreed to the requested zone change and concurrent concept plan amendment, this zone change application creates conflicting signage standards within the Woodmen and Powers Crossing development, which is not an ideal situation as it creates a challenge of administration of signage for the properties not included in the proposed Coordinated Sign Plan. As proposed, the remaining commercial properties would not be allowed low-profile, freestanding signs, and could request that the pylon signs be installed.  In addition, current sign standards are not regulated by zone district.


City Planning Staff supports the request to remove the requirements for pylon signage and, thus, bringing the entire development into compliance with current sign standards and encouraged the project consultant to include all commercial properties within the Woodmen and Powers Crossing development to be part of this entitlement request.  City staff is of the opinion that the zone change requested, without all commercial properties, is not an ideal solution for what is being achieved for the Woodmen and Powers Crossing development as it relates to signage and may cause future sign issues for the commercial properties that are not part of this request.


The accompanying Minor Concept Plan Amendment application to the Woodmen and Powers Crossing development, establishes Subareas 1 and 2, which consist of the six properties referenced above, for the administration of the new Coordinated Sign Plan (CSP) and modifies certain plan stipulations. The CSP follows current city sign standards.  Condition of Record #6 will not be applicable to Subareas 1 and 2, and these properties will be subject to the proposed CSP. General note #6 on the concept plan, specifies that the other two multi-family residential developments will be allowed one (1) freestanding sign not to exceed 32 square feet and 7 feet in height. 


City Planning staff has evaluated the proposed application for conformance with the City’s current comprehensive plan (“PlanCOS”), adopted in January 2019. According to PlanCOS Vision Map the project site is identified as a ‘New/Developing Area’.  PlanCOS addressed signage in a general overarching manner as it relates infill and redevelopment opportunities along ‘mature/redevelopment corridors’ and addresses cluttered signage as well as wayfinding signage along trails and greenways. There is not specific goals, policies or strategies in PlanCOS related specifically to signage. Per City Code Section 7.4.401, the purpose of the sign regulations is intended to : 

                     “Promote an attractive “built environment”, successful commercial districts, and a healthy local economy while working to incorporate contemporary products, technology and marketing practices and improve understanding, application, flexibility and enforcement of sign regulations and standards.

                     Highlight the positive contribution signs can make to creating a sense of place in the community and ensure that new sign design standards will allow commercial businesses to function efficiently and effectively. (Ord. 12-15)”


The project site is part of the Norwood master plan which is an “implemented” master plan.  According to City Code Section 7.5.402(B)(2), a master plan can be deemed implemented when 85% or more of the planned area is built out.  The neighborhood surrounding the project is developed with a mix of commercial and residential land uses.  This existing commercial development is complimentary of the surrounding land use patterns.


  Previous Council Action:



  Financial Implications:



  City Council Appointed Board/Commission/Committee Recommendation:

At the City Planning Commission meeting held on September 14, 2022, the project applications were considered under the Consent Calendar.  Without discussion, the City Planning Commission recommended approval of the project applications to the City Council by a vote of 9:0:0:0 (all members were present).


  Stakeholder Process:

The public notification process consisted of providing notice to adjacent property owners within 1,000 feet of the site, which included the mailing of postcards to 176 property owners on two (2) occasions; during the internal review stage and prior to the Planning Commission hearing. The site was also posted during the two occasions noted above. City Planning staff received no public comment for this project.


Staff and review agencies input is outlined in the following sections of this report. Staff sent copies of the plan set and supporting documentation to the Land Use Review Division Sign Program Coordinator and Licensed Land Surveyor for comments.



1.                     Adopt the ordinance as written;

2.                     Modify the ordinance;

3.                     Deny the ordinance; or

4.                     Refer the matter back to the City Planning Commission for further consideration


  Proposed Motion:

Adopt an ordinance amending Ordinance 10-1 (An ordinance amending the zoning map of the City of Colorado Springs relating to 50.2 acres located southwest of North Powers Boulevard and East Woodmen Road) to delete condition of record No. 6 related to specific sign regulations on parcels 6312115009, 6312100021, 6312100023, 6312115001, 6312115007, 6312115008, and 6312116004 consisting of 21.38 acres, based upon the findings that the zone change meets the review criteria as set forth in City Code Section 7.5.603 and the review criteria amending or removing conditions of record as set for City Code Section 7.3.507(A)(2).


Summary of Ordinance Language

An ordinance amending Ordinance 10-1 (An ordinance amending the zoning map of the City of Colorado Springs relating to 50.2 acres located southwest of North Powers Boulevard and East Woodmen Road) to delete condition of record No. 6 related to specific sign regulations on parcels 6312115009, 6312100021, 6312100023, 6312115001, 6312115007, 6312115008, and 6312116004 consisting of 21.38 acres


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