Resolution to approve the draft 2022 Annual Action Plan for HUD submittal
Catherine Duarte, Senior Analyst, Community Development Division
Approval of the Annual Action Plan draft to HUD identifying strategies and performance expectations, as well as planned activities for the 2022 program year (Apr 1, 2022 through Mar 31, 2023)
The City of Colorado Springs is a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) entitlement grantee and receives allocations of federal block grant funds under the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG), Home Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG). The purpose of the funds is to benefit low- and moderate- income residents of Colorado Springs, prevent slum and blight, encourage the development, improvement, and preservation of affordable housing, prevent homelessness and meet other urgent community needs. To be eligible to receive the annual entitlement grants, the City must develop and submit to HUD an Action Plan every year, identifying activities for the coming program year.
This item supports the City’s strategic goal relating to building community and collaborative relationships by addressing a shortage of affordable housing, funding efforts to address and prevent homelessness, and improving the built environment in low- to moderate-income neighborhoods.
This item is also supported by and implements PlanCOS Vibrant Neighborhoods Policy VN-2-A pertaining to attainable housing and providing a variety of housing types for various life stages and income levels
Previous Council Action:
Financial Implications:
The 2022 Annual Action Plan draft lays out the Division’s expected financial resources for its program year. The Division drafted the 2022 Action Plan based on a 10% funding increase. Per capita entitlements from HUD have decreased over the past two decades, but we have received nominal increases in recent years. This estimate mirrors what CDD provided to Council in the City’s 2022 budget.
Because the Congress is several months late in passing a budget, HUD gives its grantees permission to proceed with the public process and local approval based on estimates. Once HUD announces the final allocation amounts in the coming weeks, it is possible we will need to request a supplemental appropriation from City Council if the allocations exceed the amount approved in the City’s 2022 budget. No additional general fund appropriation will be required.
CDD staff will apply any changes in the actual allocations to the three programs on a pro rata basis prior to submitting the final plan to HUD. The final plan will be available on our website upon submittal.
This year, CDD anticipates the following resources:
CDBG: $3,736,277
$3,536,277 from HUD
$200,000 in program income
HOME: $2,242,730
$1,742,730 from HUD
$500,000 in program income
ESG: $288,897 (all from HUD)
TOTAL: $6,267,904
The projects and activities described in the 2022 Action Plan are consistent with the highest priority needs established in the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan with a particular emphasis on projects and activities that address affordable housing and housing stability in the community.
City Council Appointed Board/Commission/Committee Recommendation:
Stakeholder Process:
Community Development follows processes outlined in our Citizen Participation Plan (CPP), which provides for and encourages public participation and consultation, emphasizing involvement by residents and the organizations and agencies that serve low and moderate income (LMI) persons in the planning and implementation of community development and housing programs.
We amended our CPP in 2020 as a response to the need for social distancing, isolating/quarantines, and other emergency public health measures, as well as to make necessary updates regarding noticing and digital meeting venues.
Community Development Division staff conducted four virtual public hearings and multiple consultations to obtain feedback and solicit input into the needs of the community and this AAP. These meetings and conversations provided an introduction and explanation of the 2022 AAP purpose and the process and schedule for its completion. The public presentations provided an opportunity for questions and comments, and they were recorded and made available on the Division’s website.
Public notice was published in the paper of record The Gazette October 1, 2021 for meetings held October 19, 20, 21 and 23. Meeting notices were sent out in English and Spanish to 470+ community partners and residents through Community Development’s email list and shared on the City’s website. The virtual meeting platform provided the option for participants to view captions in several languages, and the meeting videos were posted to the city’s website and shared via email. Citizens were also invited to send in comments by email via the website and by phone.
The draft plan was posted for public review and comment for 30 days (Dec 13-Jan 12), with a public hearing on January 5 to go over the contents of the plan. This meeting was noticed in The Gazette on Nov. 26 and multiple times through our newsletter and other community partners.
Council can choose to not approve the Annual Action Plan draft and decline the estimated $5.5 million allocation.
Recommended Action
Proposed Motion:
Approve the resolution approving the draft 2022 Annual Action Plan for the use of federal block grant funds (CDBG, HOME, ESG) provided through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Summary of Ordinance Language