A Resolution Authorizing the Acquisition of Property Utilizing Possession and Use Agreements, for the Black Forest Road, Roadway Improvements: Woodmen Road to Research Parkway Project.
Mike Chaves, Engineering Programs Manager
The City Engineering Division of the Public Works Department requests City Council approval of a resolution authorizing the acquisition of property utilizing possession and use agreements, for the Black Forest Road, Roadway Improvements: Woodmen Road to Research Parkway Project.
The City of Colorado Springs (“City”), is working to complete the Black Forest Road, Roadway Improvements: Woodmen Road to Research Parkway Project (“Project”). The Project consists of capital improvements to transportation and other systems within and through the jurisdictional boundaries of the City of Colorado Springs and El Paso County, essential for the public health, safety and welfare of those communities. The Project was identified by the Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority (“PPRTA”) as a Priority “A” Regional Collaborative Project, and the PPRTA committed funding for engineering and construction of the Project on January 1, 2015. The project is currently in the engineering phase with the completion anticipated in June of 2021. The project would be advertised for construction expected to start in July.
Approximately 26 parcels, consisting of partial acquisitions of right of way and easements, are needed to complete the project. It is expected that offers shall be made and accepted by the majority of property owners. There are some acquisitions expected to have extended negotiations with property owners seeking more detail of the impacts of the project and land acquisition. It is expected that these issues will extend the time to reach an agreement. Utilizing Possession and Use agreements will give the project access to the properties in a timely manner for construction while allowing final settlements to be negotiated.
This Project supports the City’s strategic goal of investment in infrastructure by widening Black Forest Road to a four lane Principal Arterial from Woodmen Road to Research Parkway, including a new bridge over Cottonwood Creek. The existing and proposed development in the City and the County require more capacity on Black Forest Road than the current two-lane section provides.
Previous Council Action:
On August 14, 2012, City Council endorsed the extension of the Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority Capital Program in Resolution No. 109-12 (Exhibit B). Subsequently, on November 6, 2012, the region’s voters approved Ballot Issue 5A extending the sales tax until December 31, 2024. Priority “A” Projects include the Black Forest Rd. Roadway Improvements: Woodmen Road to Research Parkway.
Financial Implications:
These properties will be acquired using PPRTA funds. Project cost increases and schedule delays may occur if property acquisitions do not proceed in a timely and efficient manner. The use of possession and use agreements are intended to minimize time delays and potential increased project costs.
City Council Appointed Board/Commission/Committee Recommendation:
Stakeholder Process:
Engineering of this multimodal transportation and safety improvement project began in May 2019 with public meetings on February 27, 2020 and newsletters distributed in February, April and August of 2020. Future meetings and newsletters are planned as the engineering finishes and prior to construction.
City Council may approve, modify, or deny approval of the attached resolution.
Recommended Action
Proposed Motion:
Approve the proposed resolution as presented.
Summary of Ordinance Language