property value. Ms. Davis said they really cannot speculate on that because
there are too many considerations. There is a process by which residents can
file a complaint with the City and that information was provided to some
residents. City Attorney Trevor Gloss said that generally cases are not
considered unless the full value of a property is taken away, which is not a
concern with this project.
Chair Slattery asked if CSU has considered any of the options requested by
neighbors, such as planting evergreens or lowering the facility into the ground
to reduce the profile. Mr. Gaeta referred to the Flying Horse substation that
was mentioned and how it was lowered. That facility sits on a hillside, so the
fence is higher on one side. It was not intentionally lowered. The Flying Horse
facility does have a rock wall, but there are security requirements and it may no
longer be allowed by federal law. They will take it into consideration.
Commissioner McMurray asked how the size of the Flying Horse facility
compares to the proposed facility. Mr. Gaeta said the Central Bluffs substation
will be bigger, because it will be serving a bigger area.
Chair Slattery asked the applicant if they would be open to conditions of
approval, such as making sure the green space remains as it is. Ms. Davis
said they would not be opposed to this, as long as the condition does not state
a specific size of area, since the design has not been completed.
Commissioner Rickett had a concern that the applicant does not yet know the
size of the facility and it is a requirement for approval. Mr. Hess said that a
rezone is not tied to a site development plan. Commissioner Slattery said this
is a rezone with a land use statement instead of a development plan and she
asked staff to explain this. Ms. Carleo said that any zone change meeting the
criteria for a land use plan has the option for a land use plan waiver, which
equates to a land use statement. In this case, the specifics about what is
being discussed are not required in the land use statement. This means that,
for a PF zone district, they are allowed to give conceptual information for what
would be established with the zone change, but they are not required to give
the exact details.
Commissioner Cecil said she has been considering what conditions could be
set with this approval. She asked if it would be acceptable to require that the
development plan be brought before this body. Mr. Gloss said the decision
today by Planning Commision is a recommendation to City Council, not an
approval, and they can recommend a condition.
Commissioner Hente asked the applicant to address the concern about part of
the area being state land. Ms. Davis said their understanding is that it is all
owned by the City, but she will check on this.
Commissioner Comments:
Commisioner McMurray said that, fundamentally, this facility is needed. He
said he trusts that CSU is making a good-faith effort to address all of the
questions and concerns. Their land use statement says they will preserve the
green space. He does want to make sure the neighborhood has some
assurances from this body and he agrees that having a condition to bring the
development plan back to Planning Commission would do that. He said he